MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The Sequel Trilogy That Disney Should've...

The Sequel Trilogy That Disney Should've Made

Disney should've kept the expanded universe as canon.

(Instead of Force Awakens and Last Jedi)
Since Fisher, Hamill and Ford would be too old to play their characters in the novels from the beginning, the story is fast forwarded into the future for the trilogy. George Lucas may be clunky when it comes to directing and dialogue, but he's a great storyteller and art director. Work with him for story and visuals. Have Luke, Leia and Han with a younger generation (their adult children) who will inherit the subsequent trilogies.

(Instead of Rogue One, Solo and Kenobi standalones)
Meanwhile, hire younger actors to portray Luke, Leia and Han and make movies based on each novel which can be a continuing movie saga.


It might be confusing, but I would be in favor of a Star Wars Legends series of movies. Throw them out there and let the fans decide for themselves which canon they want to follow.


I'm surprised there have never been animated versions of the extended universe. Traditionally animated or CGI, either way.


I don't think it would work. I believe it was pretty much needed to do it differently than the EU. It was never on the level of canon as the movies though. The problem is how they handled the situation.
I don't think Yuuzhan vong and all that would look good as Star Wars Episode 7-8-9 movies. Those are exactly novel / comics material, and maybe for some animation, but not as the main movie plot.
The basics of TFA were good. But they should have made the main characters arcs' much less depressive. Let them get together again, maybe kill Solo in the second movie, and let Luke shine in the second, and give him a respectful send off in the third.
No need to say that concentrate on the main characters, even if the new ones, instead of useless dumb sideplots.
(etc, etc...)
