Rian Johnson explains Space Leia:

[ http://i64.tinypic.com/rcoguw.png ]

This is real, just check his twitter account: [ https://twitter.com/rianjohnson/status/954450836964306944 ]

In text :
Q: Anything in there on Mary Poppins Leia? Thanks...asking for a friend.

A: I never really understood the complaint - can you articulate it for me? Is it just that Leia shouldn’t be able to use the force?

Q: Rian, it was just very odd. She should be able to use the force, but my perception would've been that it would've been in a very limited capacity due to her focus on politics and not training with the force. That wasn't some simple force jump she did.

A: Interesting. I guess the fact that she’s in zero G and that space offers no resistance meant (to me) that it wasn’t a big feat at all - kinda minimal, in fact.

Q:Thanks for your response. I thought about that, but then I also thought about the what kind of physical torment that being in the cold vacuum of space would do when you're trying to channel the force? How could she focus to do that much with little to no training?

A:Cause she’s a badass muthafucka.

Alright. Thanks Rian for the explanation! You are so talented and brave and bold in your writing!
Maybe next time consult with J J Abrams when you are making a sequel to his movie...
[ https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Why-Princess-Leia-Doesn-t-Use-Force-According-J-J-Abrams-98837.html ]


Cause she’s a badass muthafucka.

That about sums up Johnson's capabilities as a writer.


Yep. It's like there was a typo in the contract - they meant to hire Ryan Johnson but ended up with this Rian fucker. Guy's such a bad writer he can't even spell his own name correctly.


It really does.


People like him respond to orders like "jump!" with "how high?", when ordered by morbidly obese feminazis.




This is the problem right there, nobody in the press, literally nobody is willing to call him or anyone out. By contrast, this same page is still complaining about Batnipples almost 30 years on.


''The most recent is directed at those who took issue with Luke's Force projection near the end of the film.''
We don't take issue with Force Projection, we take issue with how you destroyed Luke's character and then let him die like a bitch. People can Force Project all they want I don't care. But you messed up Luke. THATS the problem.

''it's using the official Jedi Path book seems like a much more solid defense against haters.''
Haters? Sure, lets just demonize all the people that have actually solid and though out criticism.



Lol, what sucks even more if that he had an opportunity to send Carrie Fisher's character off right but instead he gives us a really asinine scene of her being able to fly in space. one of the worst parts of the movie.

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You think jew jew abrams understands the force better? He's a hack. He introduced Rey in the form she exists today. Fuck them both.


Atleast he doesn't fuck it all up in 1 movie. TFA didn't destroy mythology or lore.


yes, it did.


How so?


The First Order destroys the ending of the OT as apparently the Empire just came right back and no one cared enough to do anything about it.

Han Solo should not be smuggling as a 70 year old guy.

Han Solo died like a chump.

Han and Leia didn't stay together.

They had one last opportunity to see Leia, Han, and Luke together and blew it.

People no longer need training to be a Jedi.

Other than that, it was just an uninspired, shallow rehash of the original but with a lot more plotholes and none of the charm. TFA was crap. I liked Last Jedi a bit better likely because I had such low expectations going in.


+ Starkiller Base and its ability to send huge laser through hyperspace to kill planets. It is ridiculous.


From those tweets Rian Johnson sounds like a a typical Star Wars fanboy (could be a poster on moviechat)... in a way the ideal type of director for this series...

It's interesting that what has annoyed the fans the most are the more defensable parts (force projection, force jump in space), etc... It's even in your scripture...

I can only imagine the outrage if Star Wars was treated like the Alien series of movies... Imagine an "I'll do the fingering" scene in Star Wars 😂


The overall story is what upsets fans the most. Its a literal chase scene for 2 hours. NOTHING HAPPENS. No progression, nothing. All the characters are the same when the movie ends as when the movie begins. Literally nothing happend. When you have a huge universe with countless planets, deep lore and mythology full of rich stories and characters and situations, and you make a fcking chase scene out of it, you are doing Star Wars a disservice.


Your movie sucks if you have to explain your decisions and can't even manage to do that properly. Can't believe I thought Rian would do a better Job than J.J. Abrams. I guess Looper was just a fluke.


