Trouble reconciling the critical (not fan) praise of the film when so many flaws are objective, not subjective
Movies like F&F can divide fans and critics because some simply like to let their hair down and enjoy the pace and nonsensical fun it has. Others find it dumb. That's subjective.
For Star Wars TLJ though, many of the issues are not in dispute:
- Retroactively ruining any significance the OT had
- Flagrantly unlikable characters, ridden with flaws and emotional vanity
- Bizarre, not-subtle politicizing with females being hyper-alphas and males being drooling morons or simply evil*
- Plotting failures that have little buildup and ultimately lead nowhere.
- Merchandise advertising being thrown in your face. Look at the cute Porgs! Crystal Critters! Buy 2 for 1 at Toys-R-Us now!
* To expand on the politicizing, in a vacuum there isn't anything wrong with feminism or (of course) strong female characters. It needs to be done in an intelligent way (the same applies vice versa). You can have strong female characters, even champion feminism, without reducing males to laughingstocks. When the vast, vast majority of your audience is white males -- it rings hallow and is insulting. Which leads me to another question: why has Disney/KK decided to use the Star Wars brand to promote these things? And in such a non-subtle, on-the-nose, unintelligent way? I know stroking certain leftist ideologies caters to the RT critic crowd and makes them feel better about themselves, but it's just weird.