Would people like Rey more if her co leads were better?
Putting aside whether she is a Mary Sue or not. If Poe and especially Finn were better, more essential characters would she be more acceptable?
Poe was barely used in the first film and then is given the hot head, needs to be put in his place role in TLJ, he does little to assist Rey in either film. Finn is simply a burden in the first film and then given a big role in the not so great subplot of the second film..again doing little to help Rey...or even the resistance. Both these characters are so below Rey in overall quality, I think it strengthens the feelings that Rey is a Mary Sue and is disliked by some because of this. She has to carry the films more than the characters of Luke and Anakin had too.
Luke and Anakin shared the screen with better, more essential co leads. At least that the way I see it.