MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > What is it about Star Wars that makes us...

What is it about Star Wars that makes us obssessed with it?

People don't get obsessed over Batman and Superman, they don't get obsessed over any gangster movies or Lord Of The Rings. What is it about Star Wars? There's something about it that gets people hooked so that they can't shake it off.


Star Wars is the pioneer of modern movies, and it's still the most iconic movie franchise ever. It's the modern equivalent of Alexandre Dumas or Jules Verne.

And it has been bought to sell a political message. And that's just... wrong.


Diversity and girl power aren't political messages, unless you want to actually claim that white patriarchy is a valid political goal of one particular political party.


Not quite I think. It's been bought to sell and make money and they're using the current politics de jour to help them do that. Make no mistake - Disney would not insert ANY kind of politics if they thought it would jeopardise their bottom line. As we've seen, the identity politics that has infested Nu Star Wars has been very successful at making them money... and all those glowing articles from the click bate cum rags of the internet's waste paper bin (Salon, Huff Po, etc) have helped inoculate the films against bad reviews. "You think Rey's a shit character with zero interesting aspects? Misogynist!". Your new SW film getting low user ratings? It's Alt Right trolls!


Not quite I think. It's been bought to sell and make money and they're using the current politics de jour to help them do that.

The SJW agenda is actually decreasing benefits. It has happened in this franchise, as it did with the Ghostbusters reboot, as it has happened with Marvel comics. As they keep indeed conveying that agenda, it's clear that the agenda is more important than money.

And when a big company prioritizes a political message over money, that's quite a scary thing. It's a very dangerous symptom.


Let me clarify my point a bit. I think the politics have helped in making the new Star Wars shit (but plenty of other reasons too) and in that regard, yes, you're right - the fact they're shit has lost them money. They've made a shitload but I can only imagine how much they would have made if they had been any good. But the politics has also helped them make money by being so very Current Year (getting them a free pass from the 'critics' for example). I think this is a short term thing though as they are rapidly burning through the good will of the fans.

As for Ghostbusters its planned sequel is no more due to it's performance and the Marvel SJW comics seems to be getting cancelled now as they're not making money.

I guess my main point is you're giving them too much credit by implying they value politics over money. They value money, that's it, and if Fascism was the in thing right now I guarantee you the heroes would all be tuetonic blue eyed blondes.

But the pendulum is swinging back. The awful RT score, the huge drop off in sales, the countless articles and Youtube clips of people just dismantling these films.... It'll take a few more years but reality usually wins in the end. Just a shame SW will be dead by then but fuck it - they can never take the OT away.


How true. That's why I don't shop at Home Depot. They've been aggressively pushing the GLT agenda really hard.
Shut up already and sell me the damn shovel!



Well I'd say people *do* get obsessed over these things - Batman/superman/LoTR etc.

But as for StarWars it pretty much invented the modern blockbuster (for better or worst) while simultaneously being incredibly hard to imitate. Think about it - what else exists that is like Star Wars? Krull? Battle beyond the Stars?

Many have tried to imitate SW but they've all pretty much failed because when you think about it it's actually weird as fuck. It's a strange mix of old/new fantasy, scifi and fairy-tail. It manages the almost impossible of creating a timeless far away world that also feels accessible.

Some people are now trying to slag it off as some kind of insane way to defend this new abomination of a trilogy ("oh, so you think TFA/TLJ is shit, well Star Wars was always shit! Check mate haters!") - but it remains a classic and its unique mixture of time/place/story & feel has never been captured since 1983.


it was a game changer back in the day , and is the biggest franchise in cinema , i think you knew that


I think a lot of it was the impression it made on young minds at the time...from when ANH came out to ROTJ and a few years after Star Wars was everything. Between the movies and the toys alone you had this perfect storm of exciting movies and the ability to transfer that excitement home and continue the adventure with toys that were badass. Couple that with the steady stream of other tie in items Star Wars simply became a part of peoples lives and never went away. Later when the books started coming out regularly and Star Wars ramping up again..they started pulling in more people while re enforcing the passion of those that came before. So again with the re-releases of the OT and the following PT, books, comics and toys again! on and so forth just continued the cycle of Star Wars.
