Let me clarify my point a bit. I think the politics have helped in making the new Star Wars shit (but plenty of other reasons too) and in that regard, yes, you're right - the fact they're shit has lost them money. They've made a shitload but I can only imagine how much they would have made if they had been any good. But the politics has also helped them make money by being so very Current Year (getting them a free pass from the 'critics' for example). I think this is a short term thing though as they are rapidly burning through the good will of the fans.
As for Ghostbusters its planned sequel is no more due to it's performance and the Marvel SJW comics seems to be getting cancelled now as they're not making money.
I guess my main point is you're giving them too much credit by implying they value politics over money. They value money, that's it, and if Fascism was the in thing right now I guarantee you the heroes would all be tuetonic blue eyed blondes.
But the pendulum is swinging back. The awful RT score, the huge drop off in sales, the countless articles and Youtube clips of people just dismantling these films.... It'll take a few more years but reality usually wins in the end. Just a shame SW will be dead by then but fuck it - they can never take the OT away.