Bring back Marcia Lucas!!! She was the heart and soul of the OT and the ONLY person that could get a good story out of even George himself! The prequels suffered under the yes man Rick the ST under Kennedy...notice that I do believe a WOMAN was the best choice to helm AGFFA...Disney just chose the wrong one!
We're talking about the person that received the most credible academy recognition bestowed upon Star Wars...that shit is magic...can't be created nor destroyed! But I get where you are coming retrospect...there would be no way Disney would be as bold or risky to even consider it. Not to mention Kennedy was key to getting the property...but she would have been amazing as a consultant! It is widely held opinion from those behind the scenes that she brought way more to the table than just her editing skills...but just chuck that on the Star Wars should have been list and move along...move along😉
I believe film editing as completely changed since digital film techniques came in, someone who hasn't edited since the 80s might rather lost in a modern editing room.
However, I think we can agree that it would have been nice if Disney paid her a nice chunk of change as a "consultant". Hopefully she could think of something that would improve the finished films, but if it's just as a "thank you" to someone who helped start their biggest moneymaker back in the day, that would be very appropriate.
Guess we fundamentally disagree on what makes an editor. I feel the understanding of story telling to be the driving component...not an understanding of the equipment...also...pretty sure TLJ was actually filmed and not captured digitally...but whatever.
I admit I've never edited a feature film, so can't speak directly to what it takes.
But I am involved enough with the arts to say that in general, real artistry is what comes after you have a complete understanding of the technical elements. The student, beginner, or journeyman puts their effort into grasping the technical tools available or fails to understand all their nuances and possible uses, the master craftsman understands every tool and every possible use of every tool, and is able to juggle and play and tinker with them to create a finished product that is funny or heartbreaking or beautiful or stunning. So someone who has been out of the field for a long time may be better employed in deciding what the end result should be, than the gruntwork of getting there... because after a long time away they may find that the gruntwork has changed.
So yeah. Maybe I'll write Disney and suggest that they pay Maria Lucas a lot of money to "consult".
Although well thought out and engaging, this has gotten a bit off the path. I never really wanted her back for her editing skills to begin with...I wanted her at the helm!!! Steering the ship...not for her technical knowledge of how to fit celluloid together...but for how she basically brought the entire OT together from the convoluted mess that George conceived. How she became the life blood of the saga. Perhaps you are unaware of her contributions...if yourself a favor and brush up on them...very interesting and at times infuriating stuff! She never shied from telling George his ideas sucked...and most importantly...always found a way to make his vision work in spite of George himself. Hamill is on record as saying the lack luster reception the prequels received was a direct result of Marcias absence...I agree!!!
I do hope that by "at the helm" you mean writing or producing rather than directing?
Because thinking someone who's been out of the film industry for thirty years would do a better job of directing than the actual directors would be the kind of irrational idea that only sounds good in a fanboy echo chamber. You know, the kind of forum where the like-minded all tell each other they're right and drive away anyone who doesn't agree with their consensus, and people can convince each other or stupid things like everything old is better than everything new, and that films that make a billion dollars at the box office care financial failures?
So I do hope you're talking about production or writing.
So you mean all the junk which was released during the last 10 years is made by directors which are better then possible movies made by a woman which worked with real directors?
Thought I made it clear, but I do not mind restating....president of Lucasfilm...the job that was gifted to Kennedy...the one who hires writers and directors and most importantly...shit cans bad ideas and nurtures excellent ones. But as I also wrote...this would have been an impossibility at the time.
I've never heard anyone say a one billion dollar box office is a failure...just a disappointment...from a certain point of view...that veiw being disneys stock holders...of which I am one😳 I can tell you this...I have enjoyed tremendous dividends throughout disneys involvement...until now. Not to say it's in a down is not...the fluctuation is well within the margins but it has settled into a stagnant trend and I anticipate no great returns from this last film...which is disappointing...especially after the proceeds I received from TFA...yowza!
HOLY SHIT!!! allow me to eat my words...that shit rallied and closed up to about+$5...$111! But as I explained to queen fan the other day...still well within market average fluctuation...could drop ten opening tomorrow.
You can call groups of people whatever you wish...that sometimes is a slippery slope but whatever.
If however you are stating that I am hoping for failure or disappointment...might I once again point out what I wrote...I AM a stockholder...I have a vested interest in the success of the hope for anything other than utter success would be counter to my best interests...when I purchased 5000 shares of the company in 2012 it was hovering around $50 February 2015 my initial drop had doubled.
What did I do? Did I take my money and run? FUCK TO THE HELL NAH! I took my proceeds and bought another 2500 shares...I put my money where my mouth is! Now I would like to see it go up to $125-130 by February this year...hell $150 was my target...but disneys expectations were closer to 1.75 billion worldwide for we are all getting used to the curve LOL! The big question is this...if I, a man that LOVES Star Wars, is on the fence about further investment of time or money...what are the other stockholders who are not as enamored with the franchise going to do? One thing should be vey evident no matter what clever title you fall under...haters lovers skaters and others...must agree...Solo has a helluva lot riding on its shoulders...
On a final note...sorry you see me as some troll...hiding under a bridge to shit on all things Star Wars...really ain't me...but changing people opinions is like raking leaves on a windy day...
All right, maybe you yourself aren't a haterboy, but there are others here who are and who wish for nothing more out of life than the failure of the Disney Star Wars films, and they deserve no other title.
Quite frankly, I don't keep close track of who says what outside of particular conversations. I come here in the hopes of actually discussing the Star Wars universe, something the haterboys aren't inclined to do.
And BTW if you have a financial interest in the franchise, does your investment cover toy sales and other lisenced merchandising? I've heard that the REAL reason Disney bought the franchise was the merchandising rights, the revenues from the films themselves are small compared to the sales of stormtrooper toys.
Dear good gloryhunter, there is no Star Wars universe left in TLJ. The simple fact that you are ignoring that and instead following the hype train shows that you arent interested in any SW rleated discussion at all. So all you are is one of the last .... gloryhunters (which havent realized that Disney already killed Star Wars).
Well you are being honest about that not keeping track of people were actually always very kind to me back when I was gushing love for so much so LOL! Would like to have it recognized that although assigned less than flattering monikers...I have...especially in the body of this thread...seriously discussed Star Wars! I mean I pulled Marcia Lucas out of the deck!
Whilst referencing four canon novels that feature Leia as the protagonist??? As stated have me all wrong. I loath disliking Star Wars and am truly jealous of the fans that find enjoyment in TLJ...note I do not hate nor disparage those that do...I envy them. I could go on. I could explain that my dislike is a direct result of poor artistic and business decisions, I could even bring all of those points into a concise bullet point of how Marcia would have most likely righted the ship before drifting into the horse latitudes. It is my belief that that would indeed constitute serious Star Wars discussion...but I get it...I've been are in war mode and everyone that does not profess your brand of appreciation in your sworn enemy...all a fella like me can do is always keep my olive branch visible🙂
Oh, I have no problem with people who honestly dislike something I like, and I'm fully aware that I have the capacity to enjoy films that aren't empirically great (I think that's a stroke of fortune, I have more fun that way). I do have problems, BIG problems, with full-time haters, one and all they waste their lives, and they usually fail to understand whatever they're hating.
But if you're thinking about Disney and Lucasfilm from a financial POV, I personally think that they're right to ignore the fanboys and haterboys - for financial reasons. Yes, the haterboys hate the new films even more than they hated the prequels, and are trying to convince each other that everyone in the world hates it, but they're full of shit. Disney's strategy has been to look beyond the fanboys (who hate everything new anyway and who will buy tickets to films they hate), and get every little boy and girl of every color and nationality demanding toy light sabers for Christmas. Get out of the fanboy echo chambers like this one and look into whether that strategy is working before you make any financial decisions.
Personally, I think that the numbers are against the haterboys, and deep down they are aware of that and know their bitching is futile. There are franchises where the core fan base matters, both for buzz and to buy special edition DVDs and memorabilia, but the numbers of people who see Star Wars are SO large that Disney doesn't have to do that. Normally I'd be offended by such ingratitude to the core fans, but considering the sort of people the haterboys are and the sort of taste they have... I'm with Disney.
Edit: No, I never read many of the fan-fiction novels, none of the ones I read were entertaining enough to make me want more. And I think that Disney was absolutely right to ignore them and the "extended universe" they created, both because the copyright issues would have been massive if they'd gone that way, and because again - they weren't that entertaining.
When I use terms like "canon novels" I obviously mean they have been published after the Disney acquisition...they ARE CANON! No EU fanboy fan fiction...just straight up novels that are intended to bolster the current saga under the full blessing and licensing of Lucasfilm ...I mean what I write the first time...I also reread things prior to casting unwarranted aspersions...
Speaking of which...was it your intention to imply an agreement to not call names...only to break said agreement in your following post? You've called me a fanboy and a haterboy and I've yet to find an equally immature moniker for you...probably because childish nicknames are not my thing...which I am well beyond ok with😄 Since I've been called a fanboy for both enjoying and disliking films...I find the term holds little weight...I could it? Even the peopl wielding it haven't a fucking clue what it why should I care?
Since I stopped reading after the second time you called me a fanboy...I'll assume that Marcia is no longer a topic of discussion you are interested in having with me...that is cool!
Just do have some courtesy towards other board members and let's not have a little flame war...follow your own philosophy and allow us that want to seriously discuss this topic an opportunity🙂
Simple answer to your stock question...yes across the boards. Disney now owns hasbro and EA games (pretty sure EA) and has lucrative licensing deals in place that are very generous to Disney. And yes...a cut of the merchandise proceeds is that of a kings ransom...interesting documentary series on Netflix called the toys that made us has an entire episode designated to Star Wars...VERY GOOD!!! Lots of backstory from concept to the demise in the late 80s...and loads about the original deal with Lucasfilm.
Who cares. She is in her 70's most people are retired at that age. Move on and accept you don't like the new movies and find something else to drool over in your old age....🙄🙄🙄
So you state that young people are stupid? I dont think so. Thats the reason why EA failed with its "Lootcrate Wars". And thats the reason why now KK failed with her "Jake Skywalker is a dumbhead" movie. Cause .... young people arent stupid. They just take a little longer before they realize when they are betrayed by huge companies.
Oh write like a child😢Most people reserve drool for things they like, but you stated I did not like the film...oh least your reading comprehension has not suffered at the hands of state provided education😄 People who do not like thing usually weep or bitch...not drool...
You used to drool over Star Wars. Now all you do only bitch about it. Find something new to Drool over. Do it now. You are old and do not have much time...😖
You still have time too...I bet if you work really hard you could read and write at a fourth grade level in no time...but you'd better seem to be getting more stupid by the minute...are you sur you don't have a carbon monoxide leak in your moms double wide? I only ask because dulled faculties is an early warning sign...
Happily, I have my own home. I know you are close to having your own home as well. Just a few more years and that pudding at the senior home will be all yours. Make the best of the years you have left.
It's made a billion dollars and this is just futile, impotent rage.
Find something better to do with your life than trying to convince yourselves that a film that's made a billion dollars and counting is a failure. Discuss the Star Wars universe, maybe?
It made most money cause of preorders. It lost from opening friday to next friday 44% income at the cinemas (that never ever happenend to any other SW movie)! Its the economics, stupid. So stop acting like a braindead gloryhunter. Your TLJ-idol died a few days ago.
They never should have called it Lucasfilm. They never should have fed the fancult the Lucas is a creative genius nonsense. Lucas should have been a story consultant and special effects advisor and producer. They should have stuck with the collaborative efforts that made ESB and ROTJ work. Lucas just couldn't resist making it all about him. When he couldn't live up to his own self-promoted hype, he sold out.
she wasn't the heart and soul at all , the main editor and the man I believe saved this movie from being crap was Richard Chew , Lucasfilm should of brought back Kasden again
By no means am I taking away from Chew...I especially appreciate his work on OFOTCN...but I am unable to find any info as to his saving Star Wars. On the other hand Marcias contribution is prolific...from whittling down a plot overlay that spanned 9 films, to a workable trilogy...recutting the climax from Darth Vader running away and Luke using his targeting instead of the force to the heroic end we now the love triangle in TESB( Lucas's idea to make Luke and Leia siblings after his separation from Marcia...) All of these are credited to Marcia
I welcome any information that claims chew to be responsible for these or any other saving graces he provided.
Thanks a bunch! Wow...she wears seventy pretty well! Seems the reception to the video and the opinions of most of the posters was echoing my own...important part of Star Wars that has been missing...