Only he can restore epic writing to the trilogy
shareJJ Abrams has never been known for anything other than the most lazy writing imaginable. Even though I enjoy most of his movies, the scripts are typically dumb as a bag of hammers.
share" dumb as a bag of hammers" but enjoyable is perfect for Star Wars. At it's best that is all it has ever been despite the claims of the self-serious "true fans" who want to convince themselves Lucas created some sort of space "Lawrence of Arabia".
shareThe guy is a hack. He's responsible for the weak rehashed mess TFA was. All of them suck.
shareYou're also insulting Lawrence Kasdan right there.
JJ is the man! The guy is a genius.
Say what you will but you can't deny his ability to create interested thought provoking worlds and ideas. I also hope he can get Kasdan back to help with the script.
The only concern I have with JJ is that he will end 9 with again tons of unanswered questions that will not be answered for decades if even then.
Hopefully he doesn't make Kylo become a smoke monster. ;)
sharehe can make a fun movie, but maybe not a great or original movie