George Lucas appreciation thread.

An incredibly righteous and creatively talented man. Betrayed by his own "fans". He now lives for his family. But we the real fans will always appreciate you. Star Wars is not 8 movies. It is one. One movie, six chapters, beginning middle and end.


could of haved 9 real chapters if ungrateful fans were nicer to George, now they are begging him to come back, lol


9 REAL chapters? Instead of remakes/"sequels"? We could have had that? Suppose... suppose...


This film was still better than any of the prequel trilogy films, despite having a lot of dodgy stuff in it. There was nothing in this worse than Jar Jar Binks.


Sorry, but Rose Shrek is definitely worse than Jar Jar Binks.


I'd say Attack of the Clones is better than all the Disney entries.


Anyone who thinks they have the market cornered on being a “real” Star Wars fan is an idiot....


Well I know for one thing a real FAN doesn't disrespect the man who created something they supposedly love.


Anyone who thinks they have the authority to determine who is or isn’t a “real” Star Wars fan is an idiot....


Anyone who thinks that calling someone an "idiot" who they happen to disagree with is tantamount to having a legitimate argument is a,... well you get the idea. Go back to watching your Plinket reviews you hateful snob.


Plinkett’s not my cup of tea.

PS. Lol at how mad you got....


Plinkett's not your cup of tea he's your methamphetamine. Here go to his review page. You love criticizing people so much. You're obviously not a fan, just a troll trying to provoke people and pick fights cause your a loser in real life. You probably talk shit about other people with your friends cause you want to make yourself feel better for being a failure. Go ahead make another joke about "how mad" I got. Fucking bum.


You do sound pretty mad, Billy....


"Mad"? Perhaps frustrated, or annoyed. Every fucking video on Star Wars is about how much the Last Jedi sucked and how it ruined Star Wars, and how Kathleen Kennedy is a feminazi and how only social justice warriors could like this movie, and these were the same people who smeared Lucas relentlessly until he sold Star Wars out of shame and exhaustion. I think it's time you people stop criticizing other people and come to the realization that a lot of you just don't like anything, but guess what? It's not Lucas's/Disney's/Kathleen Kennedy's/Rian Johnson's fault.


I have no idea what you’re babbling about now, dude. You’re going off the rails....


Yeah but his babbling is funny to read! Crazy, but funny.


Insane in the brain!


Both of you are idiots...🙄🙄🙄🙄


What an idiotic thing to say!


Well said! I will always be grateful to Lucas for the many hours of fun he's brought me.


I agree, I'm 100% with Lucas on this. Love the OT, of course (even after I saw a doc video on how awful his original edit of ANH was) and I was never really bothered by the Prequels, I even remember telling a friend how tolerable Binks was after ONE viewing of TPM. I consider them to be one whole saga, and to be frank, all about the Skywalker family.

To be honest, I think the hype for these movies went wayyyy overboard, and superfans expect too much. Lucas couldn't deliver 100% and so the superfans lambast him and cause him to sell Lucasfilm to live for and raise his family because, like anyone else, he cannot stand the unnecessary abuse and hatred he gets from those superfans, and just wants to retire in peace. Good for him.


The six chapters plus Clone Wars is a proper sweeping epic space opera. The story's told. I didn't really need more Star Wars so I don't really care what they do with the franchise. George is the man and i'll always be thankful for what he created.

But not that shitty Indiana Jones 4 movie!


I've never been one to disrespect Mr. Lucas, even when the Prequel Trilogy turned out very disappointing for me. A New Hope is actually my favorite Star Wars film. I really enjoy THX-1138 and American Graffiti as well.

So, shout out to that guy.


Once Lucas became a mogul and stopped getting feedback from Speilberg, Coppola, DePalma and Scorsese, the fact that he was really just a special effects geek with pedestrian talent and not a film director became apparent.


Lucas's desire for total control hurt the prequels. It would have been better had he allowed others to direct the prequels like ESB and ROTJ.


I still appreciate him as the creator of this franchise and for being a visionary behind this Star Wars universe. I didn't even hate Episode 3 and found that to be the most decent of the PT. While most of the ideas for Episodes 1 and 2 are strongly there, the execution and the script could've gone a lot better. Good thread.


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