What I wanted . . . (stabbed in the back?)
What I wanted was a trilogy that followed the Hand of Thrawn series, Jacen and Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, Mara Jade, etc. Sadly, that went out the window with the last movie. Disney (and George) said screw those old fans, we need to hook the next generation (kids still in middle school).
Instead, we ended up with the movies we got. Mary Sue plotlines, people we don't care about, and a healthy dose of nostalgic backslapping. The worst part is I think most of the haters wanted MORE nostalgic backslapping.
All that said, we didn't get the series of movies we wanted, but what we got were very well done. It isn't the "Star Wars" I wanted, but it was a good well done movie. If it was the same movie in a generic wrapper, not a Star Wars franchise movie, all the nerds would love it. Me included. To the casual, non-hardcore-SW moviegoer it is a huge win. To someone she read every book made, and now all that previous canon material has been deemed now apocryphal, it feels like a stab in the back.
That being said, this was overall the best one made since Empire.