

Wow, a call-out thread to me, and you think I'm the one who's triggered?

I actually did laugh out loud at that notion.

Thanks for the chuckle at yet another example of your "thought" processes.


^This ^


you never laughed out loud, you have been called out - "get your SJW out of our campus!"


Another similar





Froggy is a girl? Thats freaky deaky!




Before I make creepy comments, I must know if she's, let's say, above 20. Considering the message this movie carries, it would be just fitting to attack her feminist supremacist views with creepy comments.


LOL yea #6 might trigger Froggy just a TAD. Hilarious stuff.

Breathe Froggy, breathe. You'll be okay. *Pats Froggy on the head*



This movie has released some epic funny negative backlash. Hilarious "review".



I wonder what Plinkett will have to say...


plinkett who love TFA because cash-money?

they are hacks and has-beens who made a living off riping on SW, but now they are nothing more than pathetic shills.


I can post links too!


But these arguments aside, most of the traits being used to label Rey a Mary Sue are shared by her obvious story predecessor, Luke Skywalker. Sure, he smashed around a robot ball with Obi-Wan Kenobi and shot at womp rats back home on Tattooine, but even so, Luke executes elaborate pilot maneuvers, wields weapons, saves the princess, and harnesses the power of the Force with the most minimal of training. And where are all the people calling Luke a Mary Sue?

While we’re on the subject of unrealistic heroes, how did Indiana Jones’ archeology background prepare him to combat Nazis? Where are Captain America’s major flaws in the Marvel films? When did Will Smith’s character in Independence Day acquire his alien-fighting skills, or Vin Diesel’s Furious 7 character learn how to steer a sports car out of an airborne plane? How did ordinary NYPD detective John McClane make it out of the Nakatomi building alive? And how does James Bond do, well, anything that James Bond does?

The answer is: It doesn’t matter. These are fantasy characters whose extraordinary abilities create exciting movie plots. And the reason nobody criticizes any of them as a “Mary Sue” (or the rarely-used male variant “Gary Stu”) is because they’re men. It doesn’t occur to people to question male wish-fulfillment characters from male writers, because — from Robin Hood to Superman — our popular culture is built on them. Take, as another example, the writer Caitlin Donovan’s description of Batman; with the gender swapped, he is the very definition of a Mary Sue. Which only proves that the term has become so warped that it’s useless… except to discourage writers from creating female characters at all.

Little boys are threatened by vaginas. Case in point, the one who posted this topic.


Another article that doesn't really say Rey is not a Mary Sue so much as points out other characters may be...which is true, but besides the point. He does make the weak Luke argument which is old and generally fails. Male characters have been criticized before, just not so much with the term Mary Sue, because the term is based off...Mary Sue which was a female character. It can be used for male, its essentially gender neutral as it relates primarily to character traits and not gender.

But in the end the author issue is she is a female character and even though we are told women should be treated equally, female characters can not be and must be protected. Anakin? people can run him through the mud all they want for all his faults..Rey? She is perfection and walks on water....say otherwise and you are sexist.


First off, no major hyper-competent male hero in my memory has ever been attacked and criticized so publicly the way Rey is getting, solely over their competency. EVER. Anakin's only criticism that I recall stemmed from him being a child and from being portrayed by bad actors.

The attacks on Rey all were started Max Landis, too, who is VERY MUCH a misogynist.

Rey is regularly dismissed as "perfect" by ignoring her flaws and her mistakes (she makes many in TFA) and pretending they don't exist. That is done for an AGENDA. Also, her basic character traits are often pushed aside in favor of considering her completely unqualified to do anything her character can do, like piloting. Meanwhile, Luke is allowed to be an ace pilot SIMPY BECAUSE HE SAYS HE IS.

Luke is also allowed to become a powerful Jedi Master with essentially no training. He is allowed to perform a Force Pull even though he had never even seen it done, essentially inventing it for himself. He is allowed to rely on the Force (when he has basically no experience with it) over a targeting computer even when hundreds of lives are at stake. He is allowed to eventually defeat Vader in a saber fight, who has been using a lightsaber longer than Luke has been alive, even though Luke was never trained in lightsaber combat.

Rey is criticized even though she had to fend for herself for 14 years on Jakku and already knew how to fight with a staff, meaning she would probably be even more capable with Darth Maul's double-ended saber.

I regularly see all her character traits shoved aside and dismissed simply for the agenda of portraying her as a helpless and unqualified girl who can't do anything, solely to claim that she suddenly starts doing things that are beyond her character.

You can keep ignoring all this stuff, and ignore the fact that unrealistic male wish-fulfillment has been accepted for a long long time. It only demonstrates that you gladly accept male wish-fulfillment and get TRIGGERED by female wish-fulfillment.


I like you. Here's to chapter IX! The rest can stay at home in their safe spaces and watch the OT for the one thousandth time.


Anakins character got a lot of crap from the first movie on, if you don't remember that you either are too young or have selective memory. He was Jedi Jesus, you don't remember that?

Luke was not a Jedi Master when ROTJ ended, he was the last standing known Jedi. But he was not equivalent to a Jedi Master at that point. You can call him that because he is all that is left, but he was not a master and was woefully untrained compared to the emperor. He got himself to a point to face and beat Vader, learning from the past encounter. Remember unlike TFA, some significant time did pass between ANH and ROTJ. But in the end even if you want to pretend his advancement was Mary Sue like, that still leaves Rey a Mary Sue.

Rey being a Mary Sue, is not that big a deal. As has been pointed out and criticized in the past they have existed in one way or another since the first stories were told. You need to have more faith in female characters, you don't have shield them.

lol btw I am not triggered at all unlike you I couldn't care less whether Rey was male or female. I didn't discover diversity in the last couple years like some people. I don't and never have needed my leads to be white or male.


yeah Luke finally beat Vader, an old man, at the end of the last film in the OT - and then proceeded to get rekt by the Emperor, easily, until he was saved.

rey, without any training (which we now know is 100% confirmed, there is no hidden childhood etc) just up and beats a young, powerful and highly skilled kylo ren, who even bested Luke Skywalker when he was a boy the very first time she held a lightsaber, because girlpower.

My fav part was when they went to save her, only to find out that she had already saved herself....

lol the biggest mary sue of all time. KK even admitted to exclusively hiring several 'female only' writers (somehow this isn't discrimination) specifically to write the rey character, and this is what they came up with.

lol @ SW and TFA SJW apologists.


Except that this article was written by a dummy.
