How I would have made the sequel trilogy
1. I would have made it much earlier, when Fisher, Ford and Hamill were younger.
2. Luke is a Jedi master who is teaching a new generation of Jedi, all of them orphans.
3. Rey is an orphan whose family was killed by the villains. She had to come to the Jedi academy because of the death of her parents.
4. Han and Leia's child would have been a woman instead of a man. (Female hero vs. female villain).
5. Snoke would be revealed to be the Dark Side of the Force in humanoid form. When Vader and Palpatine dies, the Dark Side had no hosts to cling onto, so it had to take on it's own physical form before ultimately seducing Han and Leia's daughter.
6. Leia is the new Chancellor of the Republic. Han is the First Gentleman. They are still married in Episode 7.
7. Luke Skywalker duels his niece with his green lightsaber.
8. The new villains and their organization are not another Empire. They are a new organization with different-looking material from the Empires. The same is true of the heroes. They are not a carbon-copy of the rebellion, but they have their own unique identity.
9. Han is the focus of 7, Leia is the focus of 8 and Luke is the focus of 9.
10. Leia spends much of episode 8 displaying her force abilities (lifting objects, blocking laser fire and force pushing).
11. Han dies in 7, Leia dies in 8 and Luke dies in 9.
12. Rey defeats the Dark Side of the Force (Snoke) by committing a selfless act or an act of love toward female Kylo Ren. (Example: After an epic lightsaber duel with female Kylo Ren, she retracts her lightsaber and throws it. Female Kylo Ren tries to kill her in her defenseless. When female Kylo Ren realizes what she has done, she is filled with shame and comes back to the lightside. Snoke [the Dark Side itself] explodes into a billion shards of dark glass-like pieces and is no more).