Is it Possible that Luke... (spoiler)

didn't die?

Leia and Rey said he was gone - not dead. Gone has two meanings, dead or left. He had peace could also mean he's not troubled any longer by feelings of failure. Rey also said something about his having purpose which is an odd feeling re: death.

Earlier in the movie, rain water appeared from the island onto Ren's hands. If water can be transported, why can't Luke transport off the island using the Force? He didn't die, but transported. We are seeing new Jedi abilities and obviously Luke has become more powerful.

It would be welcome news to see Luke in the flesh (not as a ghost) especially since Carrie Fisher died. It would be an interesting twist. It would be a nice apology for screwing up Luke's legacy by turning him into a grouch in Last Jedi. JJ Abrams is a real fan so I see him doing right by the character by giving him a happy ending in Episode 9.

Agree? Disagree?


I agree and I hope he's not dead.


I hope that he teleported to his xwing and decided to come back and rock balls


I forgot about the water, but I remember seeing that. When did it happen? What else was going on at the time?

Definitely gonna have to see this a second time in the theater.


It was raining on the island when Rey was talking to Ren. Just before talking to him, she reached out her hand under some falling water. After they talked, he looked down at his hand and saw drops of water.

Lots happening. It's easy to miss things.
