
Is it just me, or does Hux seem like a bit pissweak to be a general?

I don't know if it's Domnhall Gleeson's acting, but he tries to come across as a badass general, only to actually sound like someone asking for permission to go for a pee. His speech in TFA struck me the same way - trying to be commanding and badass, but utterly failing at it. He's certainly not even close to being a Maximillian Veers or Firmus Piett.


I think he and Kylo were both chosen to present the First Order as lacking confidence and still being new at the whole "taking over the galaxy" game, since they did rise from the destruction of something that had been in existence much longer.


Both he and Kylo seemed that way. It’s part of why I can’t figure out how the First Order has taken over the galaxy.


Maybe it's nepotism, and maybe it's a mark of a regime that is more inept and disorganized than it is efficient.


It does seem inept and disorganized but at the same time, these people have mounted a military that rivals the Empire to the point where they somehow built a Deathstar in secret. It's not consistent.


There's more to being a general than being a good public speaker.

If he's a brilliant strategist, he can talk like Elmer Fudd and still be a great general.


He's not a brilliant strategist. He always fails.


Well somebody managed a military takeover of the entire Galaxy, and it wasn't Darth Emo,


I got the same feeling.. He is a good actor but his intimidating commander vibe which I think they are going for does not quite hit it home... especially his speech in TFA seemed not to hit the mark to me..... he is just too polished in a way, too boyish.

I get there is a purpose in having two similar aged battling it out. I like that dynamic, so the answer is not just to have an older and more autoritative actor instead .... the answer, I guess, is to get a young actor who can hold this... he cannot imo.
