MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Why this is a good movie, and why we don...

Why this is a good movie, and why we don't want to recognize it as one. (SPOILERS)

Many people, myself included, were disappointed upon first seeing this movie. We thought it was a big let-down. However, upon further reflection, I realize that this was, in fact, a very good movie, and that there is one very specific reason for the disappointment: fan speculation. Too many fan theories began circulating after the Force Awakens came out (Who are Rey's parents? Who is Snoke?). All of us began jumping to conclusions about the story, imagining things that weren't even there. When (SPOILERS) Snoke dies, it crushed all of our Snoke theories, making them seem pointless. The same thing happened when Ren tells Rey that her parents were nobodies, mere junkers who traded her for drinking money. It crushed all of our Rey's parents theories. We got so distracted by these things, that we forgot Snoke and Rey were new characters and did not have to be related to previous characters. We got so caught up in their origins that we forgot the movie is not about those things, and we missed out on the great adventure side of this movie.


To me, it simply didn't feel like a Star Wars movie. I like Rey but the question about her (or Snoke's) origins wasn't what made me watch this movie in the first place. To me it felt like a generic, well-made and well-acted movie, but without the soul of the Star Wars movies I grew up with. I respect people who enjoyed TLJ and I reckon it could simply be me who's getting too old for this franchise.


What a well thought out and articulated reply. Why even bother being here? Is it just to be a wum?




I think the story is pretty decent. What gets to me about the movie was the plot structure and narrative, which is very amateurish. It's very obvious the director doesn't have experience with big budget movies, which is the main thing I had been worried about.

So overall it's pretty good, just a letdown in terms of actually telling a story onscreen.


ill be honest i was dissapointed with the way snoke and rey was handle but for me its just a movie that plods , it wasnt really very exciting , no dog fights , hardly any stormtrooper fights, no light saber duels , all things that made the previous movies entertaining, and the way it was pieced together was pretty average , i kind of felt this way aswell when watching the trailers , it was all so very underwhelming.


Well stated, Wesley. Some of us weren't initially disappointed, though, and immediately embraced this movie.


Meaning you forced yourself to like this movie even though you really did not.


You merely want to push that this is a good movie, but you have no real argument or reason, so you call people who disagree with you "haters", you call them a name, like a whiny weasel.

It's fine if you like the movie. I think you are in the minority, and I think for good reason. I saw it the day it came out and it was a hodge-podge of Star Wars-like scenes and effects, but with no real plot, or point.

It was like they have a bunch of random scenes of Carrie Fischer and tried to make a movie around them that make some kind of sense, but it really didn't.
