MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > So are Millennials the one who love this...

So are Millennials the one who love this new star Wars? Who are the ones that love vs hate this one?



What's your definition of millenials?


I don't know if anyone really "loves" this movie. I think a lot of Millenials are excited by the notion they've taken Star Wars away from the old white guys or whatever but once they see what a piece of shit they actually got, the thrill will wear off.


All my young friends on bookface love it. They all think it's the best film in the series. So I think the mouse definitely hit their target demo.


People who hate this movie: Fan theorists
People who like this movie: People who never speculate or make up fan theories (a la Chris Stuckmann)


^ that sounds about right


40 , loved rogue one and TFA, didn't particularly like tlj, thought the trailers were tedious , nowhere near as exciting as TFA and rogue one, was all about flat for me


I've disliked every Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi, which I'm old enough to have seen in theaters. I really liked The Last Jedi. This review expressed exactly how I feel:

There's a fantastic 90 minute movie in THE LAST JEDI anchored by raw emotion, thrilling action, and some beautiful story beats.

Unfortunately it's trapped in a 150 minute movie.


Couldn’t have said it better. Needs Abrams to do an edit of it, or a fan to do one ...... hmmmm, where’s my copy of Premiere?


Just wait, as soon as an edit appears that removes (among other things) the useless Rose/Finn sub plot we're all gonna be labeled as racists.


Old enough to have seen Star Wars multiple times in the theater before it was a chapter called A New Hope. I adore the Last Jedi and it shrugging off the antiquated "hero's" journey that has become toxic in so many people including the current "esteemed leader" of the US and his legion of minion-deplorables.

I'd been suspicious of the "genius" of Lucas after Empire Strikes Back was such a marked improvement and gave up on Lucas and the Star Wars universe after Phantom Menace. Force Awakens and the Last Jedi have brought me back and I'm thrilled to see something interesting come of the characters and world that had been slowly suffocated by Lucas' narcissism.

I hope Warner Brothers can do likewise with the DC comics universe now that it is freed from Zack Snyder, but WB is no Disney when it comes to bravely turning tent poles over to fresh voices. The Hobbit and Harry Potter are proof of that.


I'm almost 38. I give it a 3/5. Not as good as TFA but nowhere close to being a bad film.


I’m 45 and would agree. Not a bad SW film (better on 2nd viewing) but TFA was better overall, due largely to tighter editing and no superfluous subplots


we are similar ages , im 40 , and i agree with you both
