I Wish Director Would Shut Up

JJ Abrams wanted people to actually see the movie to find out what it was about. His trailers didn't give away the whole plot. This new director is gabbing all over the place and it's difficult to avoid headlines on the web and in the news. I want Disney to muzzle him.


rian johnson hasn't spoiled anything. wtf are you talking about?


Yeah he has. He's been leaking little tidbits now and then. The latest is this:

Just read the headline - not article - one of many popping up.

There was another tidbit as to why Luke was on the island, his relationship with Rey, his emotional state, and other stuff I was able to avoid. Sheesh! I'm willing to bet the next trailer will tell the whole movie.

It's probably his way of promoting the movie and getting the fans excited, but it's really not needed since most fans are excited to see the movie anyway.


His point spoils nothing. He's just stating the obvious that Luke was already called the last Jedi in "The Force Awakens."

There was another tidbit as to why Luke was on the island, his relationship with Rey, his emotional state, and other stuff I was able to avoid.

So if you avoided it, you don't even know if it's a spoiler or not... And it's not.



"His point spoils nothing."
Speak for yourself. For me, it spoils. There was a question if Jedi was plural or singular since it can be both. I'm hoping the director is just misleading us the way JJ Abrams did when Force Awakens came out. Many fans thought that Boyega was a Jedi because he held a lightsaber in the trailer.

"So if you avoided it, you don't even know if it's a spoiler..."
Yeah, I do because the headline said in order to find out more information you need to look at photos which I avoided. It's a spoiler when I'm learning about the movie without having seen it yet. I'm now able to answer a few mysteries that the first movie left us with which I was planning to learn when I was actually in the movie theater. Also, know the tone of the movie and the general plot since he's compared it to another movie which I saw.

The gabbiest movie director - ever!


Well, we all know the "general plot." Good guys vs. bad guys, and good guys will eventually come out on top one way or another. Oops, meant to say "spoiler warning."


"good guys will eventually come out on top one way or another."

For the third movie, likely. This one, maybe or maybe not. But, I already know since I read the spoiler from the director. Grrrrrrr!

Also, are good guys really good? Bad guys bad? Another spoiler thanks to the director and another Grrrrrrr!

Gabby SW director not as bad as the HBO idiots re: Game of Thrones and their many leaked scripts and episodes, though.

Evidently Luke isolated himself on that island to avoid spoilers. I wish I could join him.


I guess I haven't caught the spoiler you're talking about. I've read the article you linked and others, but still don't know much at all about the movie's plot.


That's a good thing.

Unfortunately I recently read an article from a magazine subscription and didn't realize until halfway through that the writer was giving away the plot. That and putting together assorted web info kind of ruined some of the movie for me.

Only 3 more months.


Well in December, I'll check back to see if the implications you've seen end up panning out the way you're suspecting. It's always possible that things are not as they seem.


"It's always possible that things are not as they seem."

I hope you're right.

My fingers are crossed for a great movie with solid writing, directing, SFX and surprises. Meanwhile, Star Wars blackout for me.


There really hasn't been that many spoilers released about the film. There's been only one trailer released so far, and it doesn't show anything we don't already know. Also, there were far more spoilers for Force Awakens leaked before release. Han Solo's death was leaked months before release if I recall.


The trailer is fine. I probably won't watch the next one until after I see the movie.

I don't know how I avoided knowing about Solo for so long. A few days before the movie, my local newspaper decided to blast Solo info in the headlines. Many angry readers.

I know why Luke is on the island which I preferred to learn while in the theater. Lots of little things which I prefer not to know. Less reading for me.


Han Solo's death was leaked months before release if I recall.

Somehow I was lucky enough to avoid the Han Solo spoiler long before watching TFA. I really didn't try to seek much spoilers either outside of trailers and cast appearances. All I knew at the time from one given spoiler is how Luke had little screen time in the movie. Which made sense given its premise.

The closest thing to a spoiler about TLJ is the supposedly leaked online script that only got the title of Episode 8 accurate. We have no idea whether if that script is fake or just an early rough draft-- even if the script does fall into the latter or almost being a finalized draft, there are obviously still going to be more revising and post-production reshoots taking place from there.
