The prequels will always live on.
And Mark Hamill hates you people's guts for the way you treated his friend George Lucas. And for that matter so do I. Enjoy your remakes/sequels fucking punks.
shareAnd Mark Hamill hates you people's guts for the way you treated his friend George Lucas. And for that matter so do I. Enjoy your remakes/sequels fucking punks.
shareDidn't they enjoy the music, Darth Maul, the lightsaber fights, costumes, Obiwan and Qui-gon? "Fans" can be whiny ingrates. I agree with Hamill.
shareAt least they were all original and not some Disney knockoff.
shareNo, when the prequels came out the mainstream was unkind, and the fandom went batshit and heaped personal abuse on Lucas. I can't hate him for selling the franchise to Disney, after some of the comments I read.
And of course, now that the fandom lunatic fringe has a new target, they kind of like the prequels.
shareLong live the Prequels, the one and true star wars movies.
shareI hated the prequels as much as anybody at the time. But after watching Clone Wars, I realized the true vision of Lucas. And this retro crap Disney is doing now turns my stomach.
shareI am glad the darkness was lifted from your eyes. The prequels aren't bad they are just different than the originals which is why everyone hates them. Disney pretty much rebooted the series with TFA.
sharethey are just different than the originals
No, the prequels ARE bad, just not 100% bad. The story is idiotic, the hero more so, the central romance is ridiculous, the humor falls flat, Jar-Jar deserves every bit of abuse ever hurled at him, every film is full of extraneous scenes that go nowhere, etc. But if you're an insane enough fan, you can overlook or forgive some of the awfulness, and enjoy the good things - the score, the space battles, Ian Mc Diarmuid, Padme's crazy wardrobe, and so on.
The verdict of the mainstream can be seen at any store in the world. Go anywhere from a gas station to a pet store, and you'll see Darth Vader wobbleheads, Millenium Falcon dog toys, Princess Leia dolls - there's Star Wars merchandise EVERWHERE, and all of it's from the original trilogy and the new superhyped Disney films. There's not a damn bit of merchandise specific to the prequels anywhere, except maybe in the $5 discount DVD bin, because the mainstream said "meh" and dismissed the prequels from pop culture.
The prequels had good ideas and originality. But they were awful films. Objectively awful characterizations. Quigon, obiwan, amidala, dooku, windu, none of these characters had any qualities. Try describing any of those characters without explaining what they look like. You know like Han Solo is brash and selfish. Or leai is savvy and smart. Or 3p0 is prissy and talkative. Now quigon was... obi wan was... windu was... stoic? Stoic is about all I got for every character down the line! The characters in the prequels were just about as hollow and stilted as you can possibly make a character. Now with that said, at least the prequels were original ideas. And TFA I don't even consider Star Wars canon. It's a reboot. Like the amazing Spider-Man. It's an alternate universe. Not really Star Wars to me. But far more watchable than the abysmal prequels.
What does this all mean?
Characterization>>> story you like TFA better
Story>>> characters you like prequels better
But OT had both in spades so why watch anything else with your time?
You are just reiterating that from plinkett's reviews and if you seen the way redlettermedia hypocritically bashed Rogue one but gave TFA a pass on the very things they bashed RO for you would know they have little credibility.
Now for characterizations of the prequel characters can be done but I agree they are not as charismatic and more bland (semi boring) compared to the OT characters.
For example, only for The Phantom Menace:
Quigon - reserved, introverted and questionable ethics. He boarders on behaving as though he believes the ends justify the means. "I shall do what I must Obi-Wan."
Obi-Wan - Brash, quick to judge while at the same time eager to please those around him.
Padme - uncertain but curious, eager to learn but somewhat arrogant and closed minded; but an issue with her character is the desperate position she is in as a leader and the fact they twist the character into almost 2 separate characters (with the decoy subplot) so characterization was a bit of a miss for her.
Anakin - Naive, fearful, longs for adventure but feels attached to those he cares about. 2 problem though. 1. The actor was just too young for this type of role. Aiming to make Young Darth Vader a cute 7 year old was a bad move. He should have been a little older 12 to 14, an adolescence bordering on puberty would have been much more appropriate and much less cringe worthy.
So yes you can describe their characters without describing the looks. There characterizations were not a simple and straight forward as in the characters of the OT but there was some failure to bring those more complex characters to 'life' on screen. The issue was all on execution in the PT. Great ideas and visuals; original story and direction, and characters that aimed to defy expectation. All of those were good Ideas that were executed poorly; which is a shame given the great cast they had.
Don't get me wrong the prequels definitely had errors and far inferior to the OT but since these new disney star wars have come out I have found a new appreciation for them. Think about that, TFA is so bad it makes the crappy prequels look great in comparison.
You sure the reason why everybody hates the prequels. Dosn't have anything to do with a poor script, hamfisted acting, and cringe worthy romance. Also how can the Prequels be the one, true Star Wars movies. If it wasn't for the original Trilogy. The Prequels wouldn't exist. I know a lot of people grew up with the prequels. But even i know that lot of stuff from my childhood was shit. Im sure that future Generations without nostalgia goggles will figure out what are the superior set of films.
shareThose were my concerns. But I have grown fond of them. One is my fave, three is a guilty pleasure and two is the weakest.