Watching now, confused by something about Brooder...
How was his hand chopped off? The tomahawk came from behind, but no troglodytes did. I rewatched the scene several times, and the way it played out makes no sense.
shareHow was his hand chopped off? The tomahawk came from behind, but no troglodytes did. I rewatched the scene several times, and the way it played out makes no sense.
shareWhy didn't Brooder check to see what he had shot the next morning? (when something trips the wire in their camp and he wakes up and shoots into the dark).
The film is inconsistent, and never really builds a believable world. I don't remember the part you are speaking of with such detail, but I'm pretty sure you were just paying more attention than the editors who made the movie ever did :)
If it makes you fell any better, it took me a moment to even understand that his hand had even been cut off... I didn't realize it 'til I was asking myself "What is that object sitting there... is that a hand?" That's when I went back a moment and pieced it together.
After realizing how poorly edited that scene was, I didn't take any extra time trying to understand where the object that cut off his hand even came from, sorry to say... (I'm glad someone else didn't understand that either!)
Okay, I just re-watched that scene (for a different reason), and can explain the logic of what apparently happened.
Chicory shoots the trog. The weapon in the trog's hand FLIES way up in the air...
...and lands on Brooder's wrist, cutting off his hand.
YES, that's apparently what happens. It's just dumb luck that Brooder lost his hand.
Apparently it was supposed to be another moment of comedy, like the fact that Brooder got smacked in the face by a rock just a second earlier.
BOTH of these "comic relief" moments went right over my head. IMO they both go too fast to piece together in a single viewing (like seeing it in a theatre where you can't rewind)
While I more or less enjoyed the movie, I don't remember anything I would consider comic relief, so it must have been very poorly done
shareActually, it's kinda fitting for Brooder. The self-titled "Smart one" of the group is killed by dumb luck. (And it shows Brooder's true nature... he loses a hand, and isn't "smart" enough to want to live life anymore, all because he lost a hand)
It really is a fitting way for Brooder to go. BY HIS OWN HAND.
(get the irony now?)
Yeah, it wasn't too well done. It takes thinking about it to get it.
(And it shows Brooder's true nature... he loses a hand, and isn't "smart" enough to want to live life anymore, all because he lost a hand)
It really is a fitting way for Brooder to go. BY HIS OWN HAND.
While I more or less enjoyed the movie, I don't remember anything I would consider comic relief, so it must have been very poorly done
Re: Comedy
I loved the exchange near the beginning with the pianist.
We've met before, haven't we?
Whoa....I mean I know humour is subjective but are you being serious?
I wouldn't even call it comic relief but rather say the whole movie had these comedic elements throughout. Some scenes even came across as a parody on the Western genre. I would not go so far as to call it a Comedy per se, but it was pretty funny!
I mean, come on, all the dialogue between Kurt Russell and Richard Jenkins.....really? Nothing?
Well, to each their own. ;)