My Lord what a GREAT movie..
No Spoilers.
Heard allot of great reviews but i still took my sweet time in watching it, unfortunate as it was amazing from start finish. Other folks have given better reviews but ill just note a few things i admired about it.
1. Tho' obvious...the acting. Literally EVERY actor was superb. 2. The exclusion of an abundance of music. I like that. Similar to another modern western No Country For Old Men (which had ZERO music in it something i point out to others who don?t notice its exclusion till i mention it lol). Far to often the audience is told via musical ques "how, what and when to feel" via the accompanying score....we dont need it...the images should be enough. When the horse is put down we feel that...any music woulda been overkill. 3. The lighting/directing ..again i refer to the scene of the horse...the angle of the 3 others watching the action in the distance, brilliant. We dont NEED to see the horse's final moments up close...its painful to watch so we watch rom a distance. Similar to De Niro in taxi driver when he makes the phone call in the hallway...its uncomfortable to watch...hence the camera shifts away...similar concept. 4. Tho' low budget it was a superb piece of filmmaking. Goes to show if you have talent you dont need a 150million bucks to make a picture. 4. I like the fact Russell and Wilson did this tho' they command larger salaries. They love the craft. Be great to see Tom Cruise do more similar things instead og Summer tentpoles. Incidentally..i liked the H8ful 8 and Russell in it...but liked him more here. His acting was better for one...i thought (this is just me now) Tarantino had him over act a tad too much. Here he was more subdued in Bone T?as someone who?s seen his fair share of tragedy would probably be.