2015, when Star Wars was still a thing!

What will they fuck up next?


Star wars was still a thing before the prequels. And the prequels can be blamed solely on the SW creator.
All I'm saying is, the SW train got derailed a long time ago. Disney just took a step further in that derailment.

The smartest thing GL did was to sell Lucasarts with all of his past accomplishments to Disney for a rather hefty sum. Because - the truth is, if not for Disney, he would have burned it to the ground all on his own, and unlike the disney deal, he would have made no money on that bomb - in fact, he would probably lose a lot of his own savings. So.... I might blame Lucas for a lot of things, but he did prove to be a rather astute businessman in the end. So at least that much should be applauded.


Who cares what money someone else makes with their property? That's as insane as buying lottery tickets.
