Is Han Solo really dead?

So... did Han really die? From what I saw I think so. I'd be surprised if he's still alive somewhere. Maybe they killed off the character because Harrison Ford could do it anymore, he is getting kinda old now.


He's really not dead. As long as we remember.

And Ben now has his katra.

"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof


Deader than a door nail


Not just a door nail but a parrot being returned to the pet shop.

Guess what! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL! -Bruce Dickinson-


Yes, he is dead. They killed Han off because it served the story of the saga and the next generation. The Force and Force users are central to the episodic saga. As such Han is a character of the mundane and his importance is limited as compared to that of other characters, Luke Skywalker for instance is infinitely more important to the story. He was in the OT and of the OT heroes he is in the ST as well.


Sadly, he is dead.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


Luke is next


Agreed. As much as I don't want that to be the case, Luke Skywalker will pass no later than in Episode IX, but I would love to see him live longer than that.


The day that the Hosnian center of the New Republic government was destroyed along with their cherished fleet, also saw the end of the once celebrated Han Solo.

Han Solo, is dead.


Hope not! That would ruin almost 40 years of good Star Wars writing imo.


Lets see....

He got impaled with a lightsaber.... Fell down a deep shaft without a parachute... On a planet that was blown up, afterwards.

Yeah.... I'd say he's pretty dead.

Do you doubt me?
I doubt any god who... inflicts pain... for his own pleasure.
