Are there still loads of racists here?

I came to this board quite a bit when the film came out, but I was shocked by the number of racists here. Made me kind of sad to be a Star Wars fan thinking I was rubbing shoulders with so many dipsh!ts. Have they mostly crawled back into their holes yet?


Most of them have crawled up their own ass holes and died.


InternationalClique, our resident 19th century throwback KKK grand dragon, still kicks around here once in awhile....

Using the word 'cuck' is equivalent to wearing Ed Hardy apparel in public.


There never where any just people winding up all the SJW's like you.

Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it


I too think its less racism and more of a high abundance of trolls with way too much time on their hands.


You obviously never read any of InternationalClique's posts....

Using the word 'cuck' is equivalent to wearing Ed Hardy apparel in public.



Give me an example of racist things they said...the word racism is overused these days


A flock of sheep.
A pride of lions.
A cackle of hyenas.
A hover of trout.
A load of racists!

Who would have thunk it?

"But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"



I've never noticed them, to be honest.


Loads and loads. Like a pile.
