Anyone take issue with the digital cinematography?
I loved the movie, but I couldn't help but somewhat regret that it had been shot digitally rather than on film. Now I'm all for digital, and have really appreciated it in the past, but it just didn't seem appropriate for this movie and this material. This is a hugely immersive and textural piece, and digital simply lacks the kind of tactility you get from film, including the natural grain and the darker blacks. Things just felt too smoothed, and the sense of light - paramount to a film about "the painter of light" - wasn't as rich or as evocative as it would have been on film.
So I'm just curious if others agree that the movie loses a little something due to its digital format. I heard nothing but breathless praise for the film's cinematography before I saw it, and I'm not dismissing its beauty as is, but I'm surprised there hasn't been more lamenting what could have been an even more astonishing picture.