Black Biopics

It is its own genre now right? Biopics about African American figures during the pre-civil rights era?


I don't quite know what you're asking. Is it that you think biopics about Black people are some how inherently different than about whites?


To be fair to the OP, there definitely is a pattern as they also usually come out in August. Last August was The Butler, for example.


That's not a trend. Lots of biopics and dramas come out around that time because its near Oscar season.


That's just a coincidence!

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


Yes they are objectively different. Usually, they suck, and unlike movies about white people, the characters being white dont play a role in the film, unlike these turds where them being black is always relevant to the plot.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


...unlike movies about white people, the characters being white dont play a role in the film...

Uh, that's because being white isn't/wasn't a struggle that could hold people back in society. Most biopics about women focus on the struggle of women because women are often denied opportunities, rights and privileges simply because they are not men. Same thing with gays or people with disabilities.

And as for this particular biopic, the fact Brown is black is only focused on for a few scenes early in his career.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


We got another one with Selma (2015)


It is its own genre now right?


Biopics about African American figures during the pre-civil rights era?

But the 1950s and '60s WERE in the civil rights era.

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


I meant the figures were born before the civil rights era.
