Just adding to what's already been said (and echoing):
I'm a pianist. Ultimately, even though a piano has strings, it's truly a percussion instrument because it's played by striking the strings with a hammer.
I saw it as him asking everyone, regardless of their instrument, to think of their instruments as percussion instruments. Play as if you're striking the notes rather than strumming them or plucking them or blowing them. It can give an intensity where everything feels more like "beat" than "melody," but a beat with harmony. It's actually an interesting mental exercise. A lot of music takes place in the mind of the musician, then translates itself into their instrument. You may be playing the same notes as any other musician, but you can make it feel different to the listener based on how it feels to you. James Brown's music is highly percussive... bam bam bam. Rhythm is king.
I like that idea of it.
Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.