I personally always thought that Wayne Brady could've played the part. He certainly has the talent: he is a good impersonator and can dance and sing. I happen to also think that he somewhat resembles a younger James Brown, at least in this video he does to me <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKCsUWx-QoA>.
I'm curious as to what the rest of you think, and who could have been cast.
Oh yes, I could have definitely seen Wayne Brady as James Brown, especially after watching that clip of a younger James Brown. And after seeing that clip of Wayne doing the James Brown tribute, I'm convinced he could've pulled off the moves too!
Thanks for the video,mag_carr,Wayne Brady did a great job.But Wayne is not a serious actor,nor an up and coming star like Chadwick.He and Michael B Jordan will be the next big stars and maybe Nate Parker too.It's about time since Derek Luke and Terrence Howard didn't do it.Mark my words,movie fans,Michael and Chadwick will be Alist stars!
Okay...? That aside, what do you think about him portraying James Brown? Not to be rude, but I don't really care how you personally feel about Brady; all I asked was whether he would be a good James Brown, or if you had another person in mind to play him.
NoWayne Brady couldn't have played the role. Wayne Brady is a safe non theartning NEGRO
Oh,enough with this,please. It's the 21st century (not that a lot of things have changed that much.) he man is talented as hell, and yeah, I don't understand why the hell he hasn't been in anywhere near the amount of films he should have been in by now. And his being so-called "safe and non-threatening" hasn't exactly helped him get the good roles he should have gotten, regardless. Easy to say an actor can't do this or that role when they're never really been given the chance to show what they can really do. I think with a director who is willing to take it there (show the darker sides of Brown) like maybe Spike Lee, John Singleton, and some others--even Lee Daniels, Brady could pull it off. Definitely Don Cheadle,though, because he can play damn near anybody perfectly---.he's that damn good
Oh,enough with this,please. It's the 21st century (not that a lot of things have changed that much.) he man is talented as hell, and yeah, I don't understand why the hell he hasn't been in anywhere near the amount of films he should have been in by now. And his being so-called "safe and non-threatening" hasn't exactly helped him get the good roles he should have gotten, regardless. Easy to say an actor can't do this or that role when they're never really been given the chance to show what they can really do. I think with a director who is willing to take it there (show the darker sides of Brown) like maybe Spike Lee, John Singleton, and some others--even Lee Daniels, Brady could pull it off. Definitely Don Cheadle,though, because he can play damn near anybody perfectly---.he's that damn good
Bitch turn around eat yo big ass biscuit. The OP is right, white amercia loves Wayne Brady. reply share
No Wayne Brady couldn't have played the role. Wayne Brady is a safe non threatening NEGRO. White people love him and I don't think he could bring out the dark side of James Brown and be believable. Eddie Murphy, Usher or Don Cheadle would have been good.
Absolutely, no disrespect to Mr. Brady, but Itawu/ NativeToungez. reply share
Both Chadwick Boseman and Wayne Brady are way too handsome and too tall, although Wayne Brady certainly has the talent. I can't figure out why he isn't a bigger star; he's so talented in so many areas.
I'm sure Boseman will do a wonderful job, and I'm looking forward to this like I was when Ray was released. Can't wait!