MovieChat Forums > Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Discussion > Jason Mantzoukas is kind of ruining the ...

Jason Mantzoukas is kind of ruining the show.

I won't say completely but whenever he shows up (as Adrian Pimento) it's just so tedious to watch and makes me wish it'd only last a few seconds.. It doesn't. I also recall seeing him on a different series and he played a very similar character so guess Jason isn't a very versatile actor.

Update: It was on Parks and Rec.


Really? I quite like him, still he's only in one more episode.


He's hysterical. My kind of sense of humor I guess I was rolling when he ran away from Rosa LOL. I also liked him in the league though.


I think he has a very divisive actor. I couldn't stand him on the league and not really a fan of him in B99.

But I still watched both shows, so to each their own.


Yes, I just can't get used to his one-note characters that have no variety or creativity. It's just more of the same and not much fun to watch him, imo.


Thank you! He's awful.


Not awful, just maybe 1 or 2 scenes per ep would be enough for me. I knew him from the How Did This Get Made podcast and always enjoy it when he's not there lol

💣 ”Who's da bomb?!” - Captain Raymond Holt


No, thank you! He's great and has added something to the show.


Every time he's in the scenes he's hilarious he's made the show laugh out loud funny.


Yes, he did add something to the show.. Awkwardness.


I just began watching B99 and am about to start on season 2, so I haven't seen any episodes with Jason Mantzoukas in them, but all I can bring to the conversation is that I HATED him on Parks and Recreation. Of course his character on there was a douche and he wasn't meant to be liked, but it also made me develop a slight disdain for him as an actor. He seems to play the part of a jerk-bag a little too well. So I already know I'd prefer to have him killed off. Especially judging by what most fans say about him ruining this show.....I can totally believe that. It'll be kind of difficult for me to get into the series if I know he's sticking around. Like Parks and Rec with the annoying Mark Brandanowicz character. I only continued watching it past the second season because I knew he was leaving, YUCK!

"All You Need to Know are the Three B's of Life: Bring Buffy Back".


Jason's pretty much playing the same one-note character as he did in Parks & Rec. Seems like he has no dynamic.


Yeah well, there's no coincidence that this board has about a million kill Jason Mantzoukas threads on it...Apparently we're not the only ones that think he sucks. Maybe the powers that be will realize it before it's too late and the show loses viewership over him. It wont be the first time a character helped kill a show....

"All You Need to Know are the Three B's of Life: Bring Buffy Back".


yep, spoils it for me too. I've loved bb99 from day 1, but I find myself not enjoying it half so much now, and it's definitely down to him.


I came here to see if anyone felt the same way as I do. He's definitely changing the dynamic of the show for the worse. On the imdb page it only has him for 3 episodes but I noticed he's in tonight's too. Please tell me this is a temporary deal and he's going away soon...for the first time ever I find myself stopping the episodes halfway through and hoping the next weeks episode is better.


Agree completely. He changes the chemistry of the cast and the tone of the show. And not in a good way.


Thought it would be seen as trolling if I stated my negative position on Jason but i see I'm not the only one, his scenes make you cringe and he's not that funny just awkward



I was thinking just the opposite. Her relationship with Marcus was much better, much sexier. They had more of a human connection and their different personalities made them a more interesting couple. And Nick Cannon is a terrific actor. If you haven't seen him in Chi-Raq, you're missing something. Even the critics were impressed with him.


I didn't like the Marcus and Rosa relationship. But after seeing her with Pimento, I really miss Marcus.


Dude's hilarious, stop being ridic


1) he was on the league and was annoying and ridiculous.
2) when he IS on I automatically delete.


Well episodes 21-23 were Pimento free, IDK I thought Pimento was hilarious, the episode "Paranoia" is probably my favorite episode of the whole series, and that has him.
