Fall Finale??

FOX is calling the one hour long episode(s) that will air on January 1, 2017 as it's Fall Finale. There are talks about FOX not airing the remaining 8-6 episodes that they have already filmed and cancelling the show after the 1st of January; as well as talks of airing what they have filmed, but not renewing for a fifth season. I like the show, and was wondering what others thought, or if anyone knew anything else?


This season has been IMO, pretty terrible so wouldn't be surprised if they canned it.


I doubt they'll cancel it. New Girl has been terrible for the past two or three seasons and FOX still hasn't put a stop to it, I doubt that B99 will get cancelled before New Girl does.


Definitely agree about New Girl (2011).

I'm not sure where Brooklyn Nine-Nine currently stands. I found it a bit odd that they aired a one-hour episode on a federal holiday Sunday night instead of the regular Tuesday scheduling.

If they do cancel it then so be it, but I honestly don't think they will unless FOX has something else lined up to replace it.

As far as I know, Bones (2005) is ending and will currently occupy the time slot until it's finished.


failing to air the last episodes would be epic fail. this show was won awards from the first season. the least they can do is finish it properly, by airing remaining episodes.


Do you have source for the information about these talks?



it is supposed to return this spring.
i hope they don't cancel it, i just FOUND it!

it makes me laugh......


I think it's as funny now as it has ever been. I am more than happy with this show.
