that crazy crop duster guy from that Independence Day movie. They totally believed they got anally probed by aliens, but nobody would believe them, rather laugh at them. But they believe, and they are anxiously waiting for the day of reckoning when God/Alien shows up one day to destroy earth. Everyone is surprised, but they are like "haha, told you so"
I agree that "Left Behind" is bat-crap insane. It is actually piss-poor theology, as well. This guy did a great job of shredding "Left Behind" from a perspective of someone who knows his Bible:
Most Christians believe that the trick is to reconcile faith with the discoveries of science, and not pretend that dinosaurs were wiped out by a great flood 4,500 years ago (but made awesome plow animals before that). Likewise, most Christians are not, in fact, expecting the Rapture sometime in the next two weeks or so. Your error is painting all Christians with the same broad brush.
I'm still waiting for people to realize that all Christians aren't crazy and are constantly trying to force the religion down others throats. For F**cks sakes, I'm a christian and this is the worst movie I've ever seen.
If you're talking about the "aquatic ape hypothesis", you're wrong. That theory is not taken seriously by most scientists. In fact, it didn't even pass peer review.
So, no...we don't believe in a "meremonkey". What we do believe, though, is evidence...and there is none to support the existence of god.
Also...wasn't that documentary on the Discovery Channel "Mermaids: The Body Found" or "Mermaids: The New Evidence"?
Because both of those are actually fake. The "scientists" are just actors. It's entirely made for entertainment purposes. It's a mockumentary. It's basically a fictional movie made to look like a documentary. The Discovery Channel made it so convincing that they had to speak up after it aired and reveal that it wasn't real at all...that there was no body found.
Anyway...this show used the aquatic ape hypothesis as evidence to support the existence of mermaids. In fact, they even had a scene showing an "aquatic ape" hunting in shallow water, among other similar scenes.
But none of that is real. It was all made up for TV!
And people who bash others beliefs are disrespectful and the scum of the earth. I don't judge people who are other religions, and in person I never talk about my religion unless I know the other person is a christian. I'm not some uptight weirdo either, and neither are most Christians.
I am a Christian like to get that out of the first. I am not going to preach and try to convert people. It's your choice to believe or not, but what I will not stand for is people insulting us Christians, I respect those that don't believe, why can't those respect mine?