So... the rapture comes, and all the little innocent babies and children are brought up to heaven. Except, no, they wouldn't be.
Hey Christians, your own bible states that a prerequisite for getting into heaven is a belief in Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. Babies have no cognition for such a belief, nor are they innocent, they are born with the same sin as all mankind. So, babies left behind? Yup.
Now the children. Those who had not been indoctrinated into the Christian cult, would also have been left behind, as they do not meet the fore mentioned prerequisite are also not innocent.
Also love your jab at Islam as the Muslim on the plane, plainly believing in his god, is also left behind. Praying to the wrong god, sucks to be him huh?
You are correct. Christians believe quite a few things they attribute to Christianity that are not in the Bible. I think if they just read the Bible contextually they would have problems believing in a Rapture. "A text, taken out-of-context, becomes the pre-text for error". All one really need do is read Matthew 24 (51 verses - less than 2 pages) because it lays out the events chronologically. At least then the debates could be over what the Bible does actually say.
Question: Can Tuatha de Danann ever literally be translated to mean Tribe of Dan?
Also love your jab at Islam as the Muslim on the plane, plainly believing in his god, is also left behind. Praying to the wrong god, sucks to be him huh?
I didn't interpret it that way. I think it was more of a jab at people judging the man and assuming he was trouble, simply because he was a Muslim.
What I don't get is all the hate. Yes, it looks like a low-budget movie with the cheap CGI and questionable acting. The source material is pretty much strictly for evangelicals who believe in the rapture. I'm betting if someone made a movie about Mohammed, atheists wouldn't have anything to say. You'd all be quiet, because you know you'd get a foot up your ***
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The only problem with making a movie about Mohammed is that all the Extremist Muslims would blow up all the theaters. Say what you will about Christians but you can make fun and insult Jesus and we don't kill you for it.
Going to Church won't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage will make you a BMW.
It's a matter of interpretation. Catholics aren't as obsessed with justification by faith through grace and are more interested in good works.
The reference to a movie about Mohammed is ridiculous as it is apples to oranges. This is a movie about a prophesy that almost no-one believes in outside of extremely fundamentalist Christians. Primarily celebrity "Christians" who spend a lot of time judging others.
Do your best, try to be a good person and do well by your neighbor, God will sort it out.
I'm betting if someone made a movie about Mohammed, atheists wouldn't have anything to say. You'd all be quiet, because you know you'd get a foot up your ***
I've seen probably about 30 Muslim films. The one thing they all have in common is, they don't necessarily go around insulting other religions. Ironically, half those films were made in Iran.
You do know this was a pro Christian movie? They do make pro Mulim movies and they get bashed also, but the thing is Atheist wouldn't have to bash because the Good ole Christians will. I'm pretty sure a Atheist could tell what all three Abrahamic religions are,much clearer than the people of those religions.
Christians have zero concept because if they did, they'd fully understand that their own bible sanctions God killing young children (yes, babies included) during a rapture. Do they not fully know the story of Noah? Thousands of children wiped out simply because God was in a bad mood.
But the way, goto You tube and type in "Left Behind in five minutes" a review by comedian Dusty Smith. It's pure gold.
own bible sanctions God killing young children (yes, babies included) during a rapture.
Impossible seeing how the rapture is "not" biblical.
Do they not fully know the story of Noah?
Do you? The flood was brought about to wipe out the influx of the fallen angels and their offspring. Noah's family was the only family that hadn't mixed. That's what perfect in generations mean.
Granted yes, many Christians do not know and have not read their own bibles but others that come on here claiming to know better sometimes haven't a clue as well.
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If by "great" you mean impressive that the moron was able to turn on the computer and make the keyboard work, then yes, it was. A stunning achievement for dipwads everywhere. If you mean the attempt at a point and he failed Gotcha, then no, it was juvenile, stupid, and based on a misunderstanding of some pretty basic texts.
Speaking of doctrine, here is a link to the Catechism of the Catholic Church on Baptism. Note that we use the word 'hope' like it's used in the translations of Paul's letters, i.e., it's a pretty confident hope. We're just careful about dishing out judgments of salvation when we haven't actually seen the other side. Also, Catholics and most other Christian groups do not believe in the Rapture.
God had no problem punishing all of the "innocent" babies and children during the great flood, the ten plagues of Egypt, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to name a few instances. Take Noah's ark for instance. God saved Noah, Noah's wife, Noah's three sons, Noah's daughters-in-law, and two of every animal. There is never any mention of God sparing the lives of infants during the flood. He killed everyone who did not believe in Him, including very young children. The Bible clearly states that in order for a person to truly be saved, he or she must accept Christ as their personal savior. If the babies were saved during the rapture, then literally every person who was too young, too mentally incapacitated, or had never heard of Christ would automatically be raptured, because they are innocent and do not know right and wrong according to Biblical standards. This completely goes against the doctrine of salvation. And if you follow the Left Behind doctrine, this clearly doesn't happen in the books or movies, as only young children and devout evangelicals are raptured. Then again, the rapture is not based in solid Christian theology, so I guess anything goes.
Noah's flood was brought about to wipe out the hybrids created by the fallen angels. Noah's family was the only one that hadn't mixed. That's what perfect in generations means.
But I agree that the rapture is not based on solid Christian theology.
You keep bringing up Christianity and the flood in the same breath like they were tied together. You're comparing apples to oranges when you look at the flood vs. the New Testament beliefs of Christians. Might work if you look at it in a skewed way, but mostly it doesn't.
I can agree with your view of the rapture not being theologically. The rapture, as theology, was not even a blip on the radar screen until the 1800s. But most Christians agree (except those who think the actual act of Baptism is what saves you) that when a child who has not reached the age of accountability dies that God will welcome him or her into heaven.
Thus, if you are someone who believes the rapture will occur it's logical to think that God would not want those innocents to go through the next seven years of tribulation. And we don't know - those who were born mentally incapable of developing beyond the age of accountability might also go straight to heaven. Only God knows the heart of each individual and I'm not about to say yea or nay because I'm not going to judge in lieu of God.
Frankly, I don't try to put God in a box about any of this. There might be a rapture that helps all Christians escape the tribulation. There also might not be. The important thing to me, as a Christian, is that you live each day fully with a relationship with Christ - prepare for the future but be aware it can change at any time - whether that be because of something like the rapture or by death through a car accident or illness. Even Jesus said that no one but the Father knows when the end of time will come. Be prepared but don't live on the mountain top waiting for it to happen.