The original version, and the books, were clearly meant as propaganda. I guess they were intended to convert people, but I doubt they ever did. Mostly, they just made Christians feel smug about themselves. Still, they were logically self-consistent (once you buy the totally illogical premise, of course). I even found the Kirk Cameron version mildly entertaining in low budget, totally schlocky way.
One the other hand, I have no idea what this movie is trying to achieve. They've watered down the religious part so much that it can't really be called propaganda, and what's left can't really be called....entertaining.
Of course, they all rip off "A Thief in the Night", a 1972 movie about the Rapture. It probably actually did scare a few people into becoming religious. For the rest of us, it's a lot more entertaining(ly bad) to watch than any of this crap. I think you can find it on Vimeo,