MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > Matthew 10:7...The Kingdom of Heaven is ...

Matthew 10:7...The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (near)

But the rapture doctrine is false, not biblical.

The disciples ask Christ personally in private to lay out the signs to the end of the word and his coming (singular) and he lays it out perfectly in Matthew 24, with second witnesses in Mark 13 and Luke 21. He first tells them to not be deceived and Paul gives out this same warning in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. Both describe the tribulation and then proclaim Christ will return afterwards. Anti (instead of in the Greek)Christ will be here at the 6th trump with Christ returning at the 7th which is the last and the trump of God. Do not be deceived in these end times. The reason Christ says he returns at an hour most do not expect is because they will believe he is already here. That's the deception and as Paul teaches it's God that sends the strong delusion because people would rather believe the lie instead of the love of the truth. Christians want their safety blanket and if you aren't set in the timing you will take part in the great falling away which happens to those of faith. Apostasy. This is why Christ tells certain people that he never knew them.

Paul even had to write 2nd Thessalonians because his first letter had caused confusion about the time of Christ's return. He clears things up in his second letter saying "that day shall not happen until the great falling away (apostasy) and the man of sin sits on the throne proclaiming to be God.

It's getting close and it's time to get serious into God's word instead of believing in doctrine like this. Even the word taken has a different meaning in the verses when taken back to the original Greek. It "does not" mean taken away-removed from the earth. There's a different word in the Greek that means being removed from the earth and the word taken is also used in that context. That's why it's so important to have the tools at times because important meanings can get lost in translation.

We are to remain in the field working and waiting for the true Christ. Christ says that those that endure to the end shall be saved.




Your lol made me lol


I’m a Protestant, but I’ve always been ambivalent toward the rapture. My biggest concern is that the belief didn’t become popular until the mid 1800s. The truth of God is timeless. Catholicism says there will be no rapture. Either way, I just stay prepared for the return of Jesus.
