MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > Kids automatically "saved"

Kids automatically "saved"

The problem with the kids-automatically-saved doctrine is that it's terribly unfair to someone who lived just a day over the cut off age, whatever that is. It also suggests it's better to die young and be saved than to live long and have the possibility of being damned. If God wants everyone saved, why not just create a species where all its members die young and thus have their salvation assured? Most humans throughout history died in infancy, with a few living to grow up and sire new generations, therefore the population in Heaven of people who never really lived on Earth must be quite huge. Especially if aborted and miscarried fetuses are souled people as some Christians claim.


For the sake of conversation...

I think it was suggesting children of certain ages are not exactly responsible for their actions as many don't even understand right or wrong. I certainly hope a kid playing with a gun and then accidentally killing his or herself wouldn't be sent to Hell for suicide.

If humans only lived to a certain young age, we would be nothing like we are now. Limited education and parents would likely be dead and unable to care for their children after a while. We'd probably take on animal instincts like feral children, and be more animal than human. We would never know of God or be able to preach his name, which he seems to want. What would even be the point of living on Earth if God wanted us all in Heaven to begin with? Maybe he's trying to see who's worthy?


<What would even be the point of living on Earth if God wanted us all in Heaven to begin with? Maybe he's trying to see who's worthy?>

This has been often proposed and makes little sense. If God is all knowing, he shouldn't have to perform hazardous experiments to reach answers. By making everyone start on Earth rather than Heaven, he's just deliberately creating us one step away and making a Rube Goldberg.


By making everyone start on Earth rather than Heaven

Actually everyone does start in Heaven. That's the point. We are actually living in a second earth "age" In Genesis, when it says the earth "was" void- it should actually translate back in the Hebrew "became" void. This earth was inhabited before. It was not created empty or void. That's why there are animal bones that have been excavated in America that are usually born in a warmer climate, etc. This is discussed in Jeremiah 4 when in God's anger (during the katabole and Satan's downfall) he shook the earth and the mountains moved. Also why there is not a true north on the compass and so on. The earth is of "old" and science backs this up. It sat there and became void. He started again with this earth age and gave everyone a chance to be born in the flesh.

Isaiah 45 18
"For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else." Vain translated back to the Hebrew means empty.

He tells Job he created behomoth "along with Job" in Job 40:15. That's why there are human like footprints that have been found with dinosaurs but no bones. It's only in this earth age that we have bones. But there are verses throughout the bible. And when people began to realize this it all begans to make sense, many many things.

It's why he knew Jacob and Esau before they were even born. But the first earth age was destroyed and we must be born of water and in the flesh to even have a chance. Some of the angels left their habitation and chose to come down to the earth instead of being born -this is discussed in Jude.

John 3:3. Jesus tells us we must be born "again" to see the kingdom of Heaven. The word "again" translated back to the Greek means born "from above" People misinterpret this all the time but a simple translation back gives the original meaning in the Greek.

A second witness comes later,

John 3:13And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." Meaning no one can go up to Heaven without first coming down from Heaven.

Yet another witness that some think is talking about Noah's flood but are willingly ignorant to the fact that the world was destroyed,

2nd Peter3: 5 "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."

We came from Heaven, and God is simply testing us to see if we are worthy of making it to the eternity.

And one way is simply throwing out this Left Behind garbage, not biblical. We are to remain and wait on the true Christ, not the fake one which comes at the 6th trump.
