Save your money

Save your money and wait for the Redbox release, unless you don't even want to spend a buck on this turkey.

While I did laugh a couple of times, the entire time I kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. It was obviously extremely funny to the two ladies who sat in front of me, but for my daughter and myself, we were just glad that we didn't have to pay for it.

As it is, it's an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back, and it pisses me off because I am a huge fan of Tyler Perry movies.

Building webs is for suckas...


The dialogue was terrible and I actually laughed during some"dramatic" scenes that were so cheesy. Cocoa Brown and Wendy McLendon-Covey were pretty good and Terry Crews for comic relief. But formulaic Perry: hardworking, honest and romantic men are just falling all over themselves to rescue women whose lives are a mess. Would have been nice to see it actually be about the single moms supporting each other
