I liked it. It was harmless sci-fi movie. And Ryan Reynolds was almost not annoying
I dont understand how he can play the same character in every freaking movie. He doesnt even try to play someone other then himself. But it was a little less annoying then usual.
And I was surprised that finally after so many movies Mark Ruffalo was actually playing someone other then himself. I was actually seeing his character who was kinda arrogant and lousy talker. Marks characters are usually Mister Nice Guy. But here he was impatient, loud, arrogant, rude.
People and press should call out Mark Ruffalo more for being weak actor and playing the same character in every movie too.
Kid actor was good at imitating Ryan Reynolds in childhood.
Jennifer Garner cant act at all, as usual.
But overall it was s decent little sci fi movie about time travel. It would flop at movie theaters but it was ok on streaming.