So, it seems that Netflix wants to cancell the series (maybe they already did). I hope they reconsider, or that some other network continuous with it, or some sort of movie at least? There's a lot to tell and it's a good show.
shareSo, it seems that Netflix wants to cancell the series (maybe they already did). I hope they reconsider, or that some other network continuous with it, or some sort of movie at least? There's a lot to tell and it's a good show.
shareI am not sure that I get this rationale from the CEO
News of the decision also comes a day after Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings told CNBC at the Code Conference that he thinks the content platform hasn't canceled enough shows. "Our hit ratio is way too high right now," he said. "I'm always pushing the content team; we have to take more risk, you have to try more crazy things, because we should have a higher cancel rate overall."
I am happy when shows don't go on and on, but I think that this is a little too soon.
Surely you would want a show which is successful to last a while rather than risk a lot on new projects some of which are likely to fail?
The money they make from the successful shows can help to create better quality new shows.
They were spending 100 million a year on the show. Only Game of Thrones had a bigger budget, and GoT has probably 10x the audience of Sense8.
That being said, Sense8 was an absolutely phenomenal show that deserved a third season, especially considering the track record of Netflix for notifying producers of other shows that the third season would be greenlit but would be the last season.
I'm not happy with the direction Netflix is going. A few years ago there were a handful of original shows, and every one was a top-quality production. Now there are dozens of series and the quality of most is questionable. Netflix is choosing quantity over quality, and I'm not sure that I want to keep paying for that.
They've also been tinkering with their ratings system, inflating the star ratings to make it look like there's more quality. Movies that were rated two stars a few months ago are suddenly 4.5 stars. It's really annoying.
In other words, "We are spending too much money on producing quality shows. Let's produce more low-quality shows that we can sell for the same price."
Yes it has been cancelled.
I liked it. It was something different and had some good moments in it.
There is a petition to keep Netflix from cancelling it:
I think cancelling memberships might have more impact than a petition. I don't know how much petitions really help.
shareThe carrot is petitions and calls, that demonstrate how much viewers love the show and are loyal to Netflix. The stick is membership cancellations, and negative social media posts like #firereedhastings
shareMost of us will not cancel our memberships over a single show. I won't. They know this.