So this movie is ...

Fairly decent. At least the first half was. It kept my interest. One thing though, the girl is a complete and utter bitch. I was kinda rooting for the killers half way in. I mean she's just mean to everyone so I get why people wanted to kill her. Hell, I wanted to kill her. The second half take sa weird twist. But still for a horror movie, I've seen worse.


I gave her attitude a pass. I wouldn't say she was a bitch. Just pregnant. Pregnant girls/women can be a little scary. Women/girls go through a lot during a pregnancy. One moment they can be all nice and stuff, and then the next they are (figuratively) biting your head off because the smallest thing triggered them. I wouldn't say that's a myth either. I've been around pregnant girls/women numerous times throughout my life. Plus I've observed them as well when out & about. One second they are all nice and then someone does or say something wrong (or I've done or said the wrong thing around them) and they flipped out. So her behavior was pretty much the pregnancy taking over and making her so easily triggered.

Also, the movie didn't lose me like it did a lot of others when it got to the halfway point. I think my only major issue with the movie is that there wasn't more of a single person army to the movie. When I read the plot summary/synopsis, it sounded like she was going to be defending the diner and stuff from a bunch of bad guys and taking them all out with creative kills. It really wasn't like that. So the lack of that kind of ruined the re-watch factor. Not so much once the twist is revealed. Also, the ending was kind of weak. It just randomly ends and leaves it with sort of a cliffhanger ending. They should've wrapped stuff up a little better than just leaving it to our imagination on what happens next.


What do you consider a cliffhanger about that ending?


And why the hell did she text her girlfriend and tell her to come to the diner during all this carnage? All she did was put her in great danger and nearly got her killed.
