Very surprised....pleasantly so...and ignore the bitchers and whiners, make your own mind up (mild spoiler)
At first, I did not plan to watch this show at all after hearing it was going to be brutal as what the west really was (my reasoning was, after already being quite informed about our horrific treatment of indigenous people, I didn't desire to see more of what I've already seen - thankfully, aspects of what I didn't want to see weren't present - though the slaughter was still portrayed).
Next, how this series ended is how these series should end - tie up about all needed loose ends and leave dangling plot lines that could indicate a second season without cliched cliffhangers).
Lastly, ignore the infantile people that bitch about no nudity during rapes scenes or during sex or the like. Such daft people need to stick to comic book movies. In all of the available streamig selections, a person could do much worse than this one.