Theme song

Am I the only one who doesn't like it? Love the show but when the theme song comes on , I lower the volume. 😱


Yes, you are the only one.


Actually, the theme song is quite possibly the worst song ever recorded and is the single reason why the show was axed. The singer sounds like Tom Waits at the end of a three-week bender.


Actually his voice reminded me a bit of Bob Dylan (whom I love). I liked the theme a lot, and the still shots that went with it. Definitely conveyed the bleakly haunted feel of the show, and the feel of separation and longing which the border/bridge signify: "Until I'm one with you/our love will be mistaken."

Understanding is a three-edged sword.


Yes, reminded me a lot of Dylan, also! But I hated the song. To each his own.


Definitely conveyed the bleakly haunted feel of the show, and the feel of separation and longing which the border/bridge signify: "Until I'm one with you/our love will be mistaken."
I would immediatly turn off the radio if such a song was playing, but for the show it seems indeed like a perfect soundtrack, especially in the short version used for the titles.


Nope, I agree. It kinda bums me out. Always fast forward through it off the DVR


I hate it too. I just fast-forward through it every time.


I like it. It is sad but suits the show I think.


I love it; very evocative of the mood and setting of the show.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

reply first, I didn't quite understand why a melancholy love song would be the intro, but I see it now as symbolic of the "rift" between the US and Mexico at the border.


Exactly. It was a perfect fit. The raw feeling of those few words was a thing of beauty too.

Understanding is a three-edged sword.


I think you nailed it!


You're not the only one. I don't like it either.


I like it, really suits the show

I hope you have an army of raisins cause I've got a major scoop!


I can't stand it. I thought I was the only one! It's so boring. But this show has gotten to be a drag too, so it's fitting.
