My suggestion is watch The American version first. season 1 of all 3 shows are virtually the same, except the US version adds an extra story.
Once youve watched both seasons of the US version, if you really enjoyed it, you could watch either The Tunnel or Bron/Broen, but you can skip the first seasons as they were almost exactly the same.
But all 3 shows went in different directions after the first season.
So yeah, I'd suggest, watch it like this:
1. The Bridge (US) Season 1
2. The Bridge (US) Season 2/Final Season
3. The Tunnel Series 2 (It's now known yet if the Tunnel will get a series 3)
4. Bron/Broen Series 2
5. Bron/Broen Series 3
6. Bron/Broen Series 4/Final Series