Conservatards ruin IMDB

I'm not saying conservatives, becuase that's what I am (strongly leaning libertarian), but "Conservatards": people who call themselves conservative but are really mentally handicapped.

There are more negative posts on IMDB, ranting about PC agenda, than any other subject. I hate progressive idealogy, but its really not promoted on here nearly as much as "right-wing" belly-aching. Usually some juvenile liberal will say something stupid about how only Trump supporters like a certain movie, or whatever, but these attitudes and comments are not nearly as prolific as the militant agenda of the overly-sensitive "right" (I use quatations because as a conservative I don't believe that they are true representatives of right-leaning idealogy).

The liberals fell out of touch with the nation, and their fellow americans, and the subsequent hubris cost them their politcal power. Now these cry baby racists on the right are attempting to out-do the liberal-left in making despicable asses of themselves.

I, personally, will not be represented, nor shamed, by such small-minded twits.

"I am on intimate terms with the desert..."

Anyone know the reference?


Conservatives and conservatards hurt the nation Every time they get some power. They only care about money (whether it's saving it or making it) and trampling on citizens rights (trying to add religion somehow someway and stopping abortions to name a few) which hurts the U.S. Don't act all high and mighty when one of your presidents (George Bush Jr.) Is considered the worst presidents of all time.

Are you thru? Not even close bud.
The breakfast club.


Thank you for the help illustrating that liberals have plenty of embarrassing participants, also.

"I am on intimate terms with the desert..."

Anyone know the reference?


Thank you for the perspective. Personally, I'm a 49 yr.old socially-Liberal, fiscally-Conservative Alaskan who's heard all the bitching from both sides of the ideological spectrum I ever want to hear again.
When I was young, I lacked the maturity to build common ground with folks I disagreed, I'm far more interested in building bridges. And setting aside what can't be agreed on for a later time...that's how alliances grow among good people.
Lately however, everywhere from this film forum to the grocery line so many people seem to want to scratch lines in the sand. Left and Right, those on the extreme are acting like teenagers throwing tantrums. With little

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. I can only echo your distaste for what passes for discourse or meaningful communication lately.
As a society, we can do better.


Thanks for the input. To expound in agreement, I'd say I miss the days when you could disagree with someone but still get along with them. A lot of my liberal friends are good people, and even though they flip out over politics, I know they still think I'm a good guy even if I am a conservative-republican. People just need to slow down and realize that this terrible ignorant enemy is really often times the friend sitting across the table from them. And probably not so terrible or ignorant.

Liberals claim to love "others ideas", until they find out people actually have other ideas.


It's OK to disagree. This forum has become a micro version of the real world.

I have many friends that disagree with me, but we can still be friends. I have friends that are super-racist, but we can still be friends. I have a friend that is racist against all white people (he includes me in the white people he hates), but we're still friends.

It will be OK. We'll live. We'll fight for the causes we support and we'll fight against the ones we don't. At the end, we can still be friends.


I felt compelled to bump this.

Liberals claim to love "others ideas", until they find out people actually have other ideas.
