Hollywood: Bereft Of Creativity and Crusading For Political Correctness
All Hollywood is good for these days is franchise reboots and classic movie multiracial updates.
For example, they take The Magnificent Seven, give it an extremely unlikely, multiracial cast, portray the most vile bad guys as exclusively white men and throw in a strong red-headed woman for good measure.
Are we as a society about done eating up the media, entertainment industry and brainwashed SJWs narrative of hating whites(especially men), and upholding Islamic, 3rd Wave Feminist and Black Lives Matter violence and/or hate?
Don't bother calling me racist, either, because that's not the truth. I don't hate anyone, but I hate quotas, agendas and thought modification by those who think they're superior to us.
*BREAKING NEWS* Due to the popularity of #HATEWHITEY, Mount Rushmore is scheduled for demolition and in it's place will be the busts of Colin Powell, Barrack Hussein Obama and Condoleezza rice.
My Crime Is Prohibited Thought, My Oppressors Are Bleeding Heart Liberals