Holy Shucking Fit!

Doesn't anyone just watch a movie these days and just enjoy it? I can't believe how many people get on these boards and start ranting about political correctness or SJWs or Liberal agendas or all the other nonsense they're ranting about. It's as if most people now watch a movie just so they can pick it to pieces about having people of color in roles or having a "hidden political agenda" or some such nonsense. These people need to learn to relax and just enjoy movies again for what they are.... entertainment.


I agree. This business of calling everything "PC" obsession is ridiculous.

We should be discussing silly things and talking about the movie itself. There is no agenda on any side.


Yes indeed! We should be discussing silly things. I love silly things! Speaking of which, I've now watched the movie and decided that its only two sins are that it's quite boring and, in some places, silly! But it does not in any way whatsoever put forth (or even have hidden within it) any sort of "rainbow coalition" political or PC agenda. It makes perfect sense story-wise that Denzel's character could easily put together a team of such ethnically diverse men. In reality, there were people of many different races wandering around in the Old West, so why would anyone assume a PC agenda simply because the team in a movie set in the Old West is made up of men of different races (and anyway, they are all members of the human race, by the way, even the woman, for anyone who felt frightened/threatened by her inclusion in the mix). In fact, the Sam Chisolm character played by Washington is most likely based on a real life African American Old West Lawman named Bass Reeves (yep, he really was black). As for the Comanche, well, we all know (hopefully) that they really existed back then, but I think that his inclusion in the team was probably a little silly. I doubt a Comanche would have had anything to do with them - but even if he would have - I seriously doubt that he would have been dopey enough to just ride up to the group like he did in the film. Sadly, in reality, he probably would have gotten himself shot.

Another silly thing was having Ethan Hawke's character ride away at a crucial time, only to have him return and.... achieve nothing but getting himself killed! What was that about? They establish that he was an expert marksman with a rifle, so it would make more sense to have him come back and save the day by sniping those idiots on the Gattling gun. But whatever.

Overall, I was bored, and didn't really care enough for any of the characters to be upset when they got killed. The only one I cared for were Emma Cullen and the wounded guy when the nasty Indian was coming at her with the knife and Tomahawk - but I didn't care too much because I'd already guessed what would happen there. But that was the only scene with any tension.

Overall, I'm glad I rented this instead of buying it because it's not a movie I'd ever watch again.
