
sure it may be fitting that the magnificent 7 is currently sitting on a solid 7 rating but it really doesnt deserve it. This movie was awful in almost every way, bad direction, bad editing and a terrible story can not be saved by mediocre acting.


This squib load of a movie was embarrassing to watch.

Halley Bennett was the only redeeming element.


Ah yes, the prerequisite "overrated" thread apparently required on every IMDB discussion board.

What does "overrated" mean anyway....


well (douchbag) as I explained in my comment it's overrated because it has a higher rating then it deserves based on the quality and substance of the film compared to other films. Yes this is my objective opinion only, but Im not wrong. Now if you dont want to contribute your opinion then why bother even replying (thats a rhetorical question btw)


Somebody has thin skin and a keyboard. Congratulations.


Way to contribute guy


"This is my objective opinion. And I'm not wrong".

If it's an opinion then it can not be objective so you are very wrong I'm afraid.

If you meant subjective (which ALL opinion is, then you are not wrong but neither is any other opinion on the film.

All film criticism is subjective even if people will try to pretend it's not. It's perfectly ok to hate this film just as it's perfectly ok to love it but resorting to insults just because someone disagrees makes you look highly immature. It also invalidates your opinion as no one with a modicum of intelligence will take anything you say seriously.


I agree.
gave it a 6 with a stretch


Wow...name calling is the mature way to react these days I guess
