Political correct remake to satisfy the left-wing liberals.
You have the token Black guy, the token Mexican guy, the token empowered female character, the token American Indian.... oooops... First Nation guy, and even the token Asian guy, who back in the West was most likely of Chinese descent.
Women were not supposed to be strong back in the West. Asians were supposed to be subservient to the White man - they were only there to dig gold, build railroad tracks and do laundry. There were even laws passed in San Francisco and in California classifying Asians, mostly Chinese, as third class citizens.
.... And of course the token black guy had to be played by the go to token black actor Denzel Washington... who wants his ass in every role that requires a black actor because after all, he won an Oscar, he is special and he is the only black actor according to his arrogant big head that's working in Hollywood!!