Ryan Reynolds not physically right for his part, Part 1
I have no problem with Irish-Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds' acting skills, but the fact is that he's not the least bit Jewish-looking, whereas the real-life E. Randol Schoenberg is.
I realize that the "politically correct" position is that there are no visible physiognomical differences between Jews and Gentiles, but realistically we know that that's almost never the case. The differences can be subtle, but they're there. And I think that the physical particularities of different subracial and racial groups deserve to be respected, even celebrated, as a legitimate part of their heritage. That's why it was never a good idea for white actors in blackface (which is virtually never truly authentic-looking) to play black roles. It's why it was never a good idea for white actors in yellowface (which is virtually never truly authentic-looking) to play Asian roles. It's why it's not a good idea for dark-haired actors with dyed-blond hair (but keeping their dark eyebrows) to pretend to be genuine blonds. And it's why it's not a good idea for Ryan Reynolds to play E. Randol Schoenberg.
Helen Mirren (original name Mironoff), on the other hand, is close enough to Jewish-looking that I see her as a plausible choice for the part of Maria Altmann, even though she doesn't actually look much like the real-life person. Furthermore, there's even a slight, though so far totally unsubstantiated, possibility that Mirren is in fact part Jewish.