XO Cobb

Is it me, or doesn't she seem a little 'inexperienced' to be an XO ?

Brains are good, especially when sauteed with caramelized onions.


Yes, she's more like an Ensign than a Lt. Cmdr. the way she asks about things.


That was it exactly. I don't know if there is a point to it, it its just weird. Goodt things she's cute.


You seem to be forgetting that 90% of the Population has died.

Kara was a Junior Officer at the start of the Show. Then became TCO after the previous one died, and made it to Vice Chief of Staff at the St. Louis White House.

Granderson was Lieutenant Jr. Grade at the beginning, this year she was shortly XO when Chandler took command of the James while CO Slattery and XO Garnett were hostages.

Oliver was the Mayor of St. Louis and now he is the President of the United States.

Gen. Bradley was some subordinate Officer who was made a 4* General after his CO was assassinated in the Coup.

Allison was just an ordinary Bureaucrat, now she's the Coordinator of the Coup.


Hmm.. ok, so they wanted her character to actually appear very naive and innocent.. OK, I can see that. Good point.

Brains are good, especially when sauteed with caramelized onions.


Yeah, if 90% of the population died I could finally start moving up the ladder too. I sure wouldn't settle for being one of those on the train.

Running YouTube's Best Daily Vlog, Literally


Well, they're gonna need another woman whenever they finally kill off Sasha.


She was also fan-girling over Chandler in her first episode. Totally cute but come on, no blushing on the bridge.


And if she were doing her job competently and not making any mistakes, you'd be calling her a Mary Sue. You millenials are so pathetic.


You don't even know the poster's age. Grow the hell up.


Its not like there is a pool of officers from the Navy to rotate into the job. They got limited options.

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
