So, with Lestor and co...(spoilers)
Just watched this last night - and, while I think it could have benefited from a longer run time, enjoyed it.
The question I was left with was about Lestor and his goons. Surely, after the beating they took, they would then be after Dom and Dickie?
However, there seems to be no reference to this at all and after the fight in Lestor's club Dom continues on with his life.
I'm assuming Lestor wasn't arrested by the 'Safe Police' so he would be out there for revenge? I can't imagine him enjoying being embarrassed by Dom and letting it slide, particularly when he knows Dom has a daughter (and possibly knows about the grandchild) who he could get for revenge.
Also I was quite surprised that the whole episode with Mr. Fontaine's death never came back to Dom either? A guy that powerful suddenly disappearing would surely raise a lot of questions.