Dom Hemingway vs. Filth

The similarities of the two are uncountable and both McAvoy and Law gave tremendous performances, both are inarguable facts. That said, I personally think Filth was a slightly better film, although I would easily put Law's performance above McAvoy's(which was still a great one).

It's fascinating that both of these films exist in the same decade nevermind being released in the same month. While I've always liked Richard Shepard's writing it had a sort of unevenness where Welsh's adaptation made for a smoother film overall.

There was a very specific point in Dom Hemingway, right after Ivan(Bichir) opens the safe, up until the big "unfortunate incident", that really went over the top and the film, for a few minutes, completely broke everyone's character as the film descended into a scene of what can only be described as a 13 year old virgin's fantasy of being given cash, coke and hookers then being left to their own devices. After that bit settled, the film was able to resume its earlier tone and ended well all in all, but that sequence played a decided part in my overall opinion of it.

Dom Hemingway 7/10 - Filth 8/10


Dom Hemingway - 6/10
Filth - 8/10


+1. Filth was superb.




Neither movie gets above a 5/10 imho.

Filth was more entertaining to watch and if I hadn't read the book I suspect I might have enjoyed it more but as it was it held no surprises and just bored me.

Dom Hemmingway to me was nothing more than an extended Kingsley monologue from Sexy Beast. Law's constant shouting and overacting simply didn't impress.

Why exactly do you find it fascinating that both these films exist in the same decade?


Why exactly do you find it fascinating that both these films exist in the same decade?

I don't know how many films you've seen nor do I much care, but this is a very niche type of film, where it's purely a celebration of one man's vulgarity, incredible delusion of grandeur and self destructiveness presented as it was with great performances to boot. It is safe to say it is a type of film that is very few and far between. So you didn't care for either, to each his own. It seems from this and your other post you seem to believe Kingsley is the only skilled actor in history, good for you, have at him, it is after all your right and btw Sexy Beast is 14 years old in comparison.


You completely failed to answer the question, "Why exactly do you find it fascinating that both these films exist in the same decade?" So why bother quoting it!

I have no idea where you came up with the ludicrous idea that I think Kingsley is the only skilled actor in history, and if you seriously believe that Kingsley's performance is not the template for Law's performance then you are delusional.

I'm at a loss as to where you get the idea that this is a niche film or for that matter that it had great performances! Shouting and over acting doesn't make a great performance and no one else really had an opportunity to shine ... how could they with Law screaming his head off in almost every scene!

If this type of film had been "few and far between" it would have been a refreshing change, but actually it's nothing of the sort. Plotless films about losers are far too common these days and loud mouthed vulgarity hasn't been able to make a film original since the 60's.

I'm surprised Rotten Tomatoes gives it as high a score as 5.6


You are really thick buddy.

Plotless films about losers are far too common these days and loud mouthed vulgarity hasn't been able to make a film original since the 60's.

Alright genius go ahead and start naming them...


I'm not surprised that a professed horror film lover has to resort to insults in order to avoid answering the question.


I see one person avoiding a question and that would be you, yours has been answered in full (see below) and since you can't think of a single film "since the 60's" you've just solidified my answer.

I found it odd that two films like this were released in the same month, you ask why, I answered with this

this is a very niche type of film, where it's purely a celebration of one man's vulgarity, incredible delusion of grandeur and self destructiveness presented as it was with great performances to boot. It is safe to say it is a type of film that is very few and far between.

Than politely I even add
So you didn't care for either, to each his own

So you blindly dismiss that answer as inferior, then call it ludicrous and me delusional and have the stupidity to say I resort to insults

A little advice, don't start arguments that you aren't equipped for.


From the very start of the film I couldn't help but compare it to Filth. Although it wasn't quite as good, I still felt it was definitely worth a watch.
Though perhaps it was because I saw Filth first that I prefer it slightly. Maybe if I'd seen them the other way around it'd be a different story.
I also like how when you proved Ifonlyitweretrue wrong he or she ran away. Way to stand your ground there Mr. (Or Mrs.) true.


Why exactly do you find it fascinating that both these films exist in the same decade?

I don't know how many films you've seen nor do I much care, but this is a very niche type of film, where it's purely a celebration of one man's vulgarity, incredible delusion of grandeur and self destructiveness presented as it was with great performances to boot.

That's a bingo. Include Bronson in the same category of films.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Yep, Bronson is definitely in there with them, I would probably have to include Chopper too into the fold, it had a very memorable character. Bronson & Chopper are two of my all time favorite films.


It's coming to my city next week, so I'm seeing Dom Hemingway, because of Jude. Nothing against McAvoy, just not interested enough.



yes, people outgrow that after 13


Dom - 8/10
Filth - 6/10


Personally I just about prefer Dom Hemingway, both good films though
