MovieChat Forums > Tokarev (2014) Discussion > Things I learned from Tokarev

Things I learned from Tokarev

1. You can get out of the 'business' clean by just asking nicely.
2. You can recognize the guy you stole a car from many years ago, by his generic neck tattoo.
3. 15 y.o. girls look like 19.
4. A small raunchy bar called The Garage is the perfect place for a Sweet Sixteen party.
5. A 67 y.o. police detective isn't eligible for retirement in Alabama.
6. When going out for dinner, the wife does her hair somewhere between leaving the house and arriving at the restaurant.
7. With a shot wound you can run several blocks and up several stairs, just as fast as anyone, but you die of sliding on an inch of water on the roof.
8. If you confess you teenage sins to your current wife, you do so over the phone, then rearrange your intestines.
9. You get a intel from a drugdealer by appealing to his empathy for drug users.
10. When a school going kid dies, only adults show up at the funeral.
11. If you need to get rid of evidence, you keep the gun for your child to find.
12. If you decide not to shoot, you toss the gun on the ground and walk away.
13. When a car crashes into a police car, the police car explodes.
14. You keep a leather vigilante jacket in your closet, just in case that time comes.
15. The real life son of an actor can play his teenage version at 23 y.o., even if he is taller, heavier and has different facial features. The audience will magically know who it is.
16. Swedes can take the role of an Irish character, just by using an Irish name alone.


17. If you're stuck and in a deadend just find that local black kid who knows the stuff. He certainly has all the info you need and can help you on where to start.
18. If you're making a sweet sixteen party in a bar, just make sure the doormen don't sell meth, hence the atmosphere is ok.
19. You cry out of rage more when your only lead dies (on the roof), rather then when they tell you your kid has been murdered.
20. If the cops know who you are, who you've been and what you've done, they'll stop chasing you if you go legit.


"17. If you're stuck and in a deadend just find that local black kid who knows the stuff. He certainly has all the info you need and can help you on where to start. ".

this was hilarious :D


21. if you chase the bad guys who kidnapped your best pal to torture, interrogate and kill him you will still break for the bad guy on the motorcycle instead of running him over and get him out of the f*ucking way to get to the car with your pal in it.


It takes na unusual hour for the "car pursuit".


Actually if you have ever been hunting you will know that an animal can actually run quite far hopped up on adrenaline, from the chock of being shot.


Actually if you have ever been shot you would know that a human falls down flat, especially if shot in the leg.


22. If you are faced with a murder mystery and the only lead you have is a tokarev, you should immedeately run out and start killing all the Russians you find. Nevermind that pretty much any gangster nowadays can get hold of that brand of gun. And never mind that you still have underworld connections which can investigate for you.

23. Always keep your stored and tucked away guns loaded and in an unlocked toolbox. Especially when you leave drunk teenagers unsupervised in your house.

24. Nicolas Cage is still a c u n t tease.

25. The one time when Peter Stormare isnt playing a Russian, he gets crippled by Russians.

26. You can easily outrun Nicolas Cage even when overweight and with a bullet hole in your stomach.

27. Crack houses dont have peep holes for their doors. The dealers simply open to anybody who knocks.

28. When panicky, Russians while speak German.

29. Danny Glover isnt pulling your leg... He's actually too old for this $h!t.

30. Nicolas Cage doesnt care. He will wrecks Dannys city anyway.

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


31. If you destroy a cop car in broad daylight, possibly killing or injuring the cops, they will just let you walk away.


32. If you keep guns in your house, your drunk teenager and their friends will find it and play with it. Someone will die.

33. If you keep alcohol in your house your teenager and their friends will drink it and go digging in your closet looking for guns to play with. Someone will die.

34. Nick Cage doesn't give a sh!t about his hair anymore.

35. Nick Cage totally doesn't give a sh!t about making a good movie anymore.


> 35.

Did Nick EVER give a sh!t about the quality of the movies he is involved in?

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


I think he used to care. Before he started doing standard "Nick Cage" in all his movies. He used to do a different version of himself that was the character, now the characters are the same version of himself.
